Saturday, 17 November 2007


Anna University Chennai Admission 2008
MBA – (4 Semesters)
General Management
Technology Management
Financial Services Management
Retail Management
Health Services Management
Human Resources Management
Eligibility: Any degree and a pass in the entrance test conducted by Anna University Chennai
MCA – (6 Semesters)
Call Centre Management
Health Care
Trading and Equity Management
Banking Technology

1. Any degree, The Candidate should have studied Core Mathematics either at +2 level or Mathematics / Statistics / Computer Oriented subject as one of the subjects at the degree level and
2. a pass in the entrance test conducted by Anna University Chennai
All degree must have been obtained after “Plus Two” or Equivalent
M.Sc. – 4 Semesters
Computer Science
Computer Technology
Information Technology
Software Engineering
B.Sc Mathematics / Computer Science / Information Technology / Software Engineering / Electronics
B.Sc* (Physics / Statistics / Chemistry) / B.E.S.* with Mathematics or Computer Science as allied subject
B.Sc* Applied Sciences (Computer Technology / Information Technology / Computer Systems Maintenance and Networking)
B.E.*/ B.Tech* (any branch)
A pass in the entrance test conducted by Anna University Chennai
All degrees must have been obtained after "Plus Two" or Equivalent
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission to MBA, MCA and M.Sc. degree programmes of the Calendar Year 2008 offered through distance mode
Special Features
The curriculum and syllabi offered will be on par with regular programmes
Specially created course materials on Self Instructional Mode
Special lectures in CD by experts with the required open source software
Emphasis on case studies and hands on projects
Improving communication skills through online tracking
Wide spread location of study centers with modern facilities
Periodical counseling and online help facility
Special facilities to corporates
To meet the specific requirements of corporate clients customized packages can be made available. Enquiries solicited. Refer website:
Collaboration with colleges
Colleges offering degree programmes can express their interest to collaborate with Centre for Distance Education, Anna University Chennai for participation in the distance education activities.
Important Dates
Commencement of Issue of Application Form
Last Date of Issue and Receipt of Filled Applications
Date of Entrance Tests
05.01.2008 AN
06.01.2008 FN
06.01.2008 AN

1. Canara Bank, Anna University Chennai (Cash or DD)
Rs.650/-for Application including Entrance Test Fees
2. By Post (DD)
3. Through Study Centres and Institutes (DD)
4. By Downloading (DD)
How to apply?
A. In person
Application forms can be obtained in person from 7.11.2007 at the Canara Bank, Anna University Chennai, Chennai - 600 025 on payment of Rs.650/- either in the form of Cash or Demand Draft.
B. By Post
Application forms can be obtained by post by sending a Demand draft for Rs.650/- to "The Director, Centre for Distance Education, Anna University Chennai, Chennai - 600 025" so as to reach on or before 30.11.2007.
C. Through Study Centres and Other Institutes
Application forms can be obtained from the Canara Bank / Study Centres / Institutes listed at the foot note by submitting a demand draft for Rs.650/-.
(For candidates who apply through applications obtained in any one of the modes A, B, C the details of additional amount to be paid along with the filled Application Form are as follows: i. No DD to be enclosed if applying for any one program of MBA/MCA/M.Sc ii. DD amount: Rs.600/- if applying for any two programmes of MBA/MCA/M.Sc iii. DD amount: Rs.1200/- if applying for all the three programmes of MBA.MCA & M.Sc)
D. By Downloading
Blank application form can be downloaded from the web-site "" and the same may be filled. The filled in application form along with the demand draft for appropriate value and self addressed post card be sent to
The Director,Centre for Distance Education,Anna University Chennai,Chennai - 600 025".
The details of DD amount to be enclosed along with the Filled
Application Form are as follows:
DD amount:
Rs. 650/- if applying for any one program of MBA/MCA/M.Sc
Rs.1250/- if applying for any two programmes of MBA/MCA/M.Sc
Rs.1850/- if applying for all the three programmes of MBA, MCA & M.Sc
Demand Drafts
All Demand Drafts should be drawn in favour of "The Director, Centre for Distance Education, Anna University Chennai" payable at Chennai and be obtained from any Nationalized Bank on or after 27.10.2007.
For further details Contact:
The Director,Centre for Distance Education, Anna University Chennai. Chennai - 25. Phone: 044-64502506, 044-64502507, 044-64502508, 044-22203112Website:


At 21 December 2018 at 03:30 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

SSC MTS Application Form 2019 will be released in December 2018. Earlier, the application form was scheduled to be released on November 3, 2018 and the last date to apply was December 3. However, the application process has been delayed till further notice.


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