Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Kerala MDS Entrance on Jan 20

Kerala MDS Entrance on Jan 20

Tvm : The Entrance Examination for Admission to Post Graduate Degree Course in Dental Surgery – Master of Dental Surgery (M.D.S), KERALA for the year 2008 will be held at Thiruvananthapuram on 20.1.2008 (Sunday).
The Entrance Examination consists of a Paper of three hours duration with 200 Objective Type (Multiple Choice) Questions. The examination shall be of the standard of B.D.S. Examination and shall cover all the subjects taught during the B.D.S. Course. The number of questions that will be asked from each subject is given under Clause IX(D) of the Prospectus.
The Examination to be conducted by the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations (CEE), Kerala is for admission to the M.D.S Courses for the year 2008 in the Government Dental Colleges, at Thiruvananthapuram and Kozhikode.
Availability of seats: There are 39 seats for the MDS course of which 23 are at Government Dental College, Thiruvananthpaurma and 16 at Government Dental College, Kozhikode.
The various Specialties available for the course and the number of seats for them at Thiruvananthapuram and Kozhikode respectively are as follows:
(i) M.D.S. in Prosthodontics (3,2) (ii) M.D.S. in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (3, 2) (iii) M.D.S. in Orthodontics (3,2) (iv) M.D.S. in Periodontics (3, 2) (v) M.D.S. in Conservative Dentistry (4,2) (vi) M.D.S. in Oral Pathology & Microbiology (3,2) (vii) M.D.S. in Paedodontics (2,2) (viii) M.D.S. in Oral Medicine & Radiology (2, 2). [The 2 seats for Paedodontics and the 2 seats for Oral Medicine & Radiology at Kozhikode are subject to approval from Government of India/Dental Council]. Of these, 19 seats are reserved for All India Quota. (11 at Thiruvananthapuram and 8 at Kozhikode). The remaining 20 seats are distributed as follows: State Merit-10, SC/ST-2, Lecturer Quota-3, Dental Surgeons of Health Services Dept – 4, Insurance Medical Service Quota – 1.
Details are available under Clause V of the Prospectus.
Fees: The annual tuition fee for course extending over 3 academic years is Rs.20,000/-. Van Fee (Rs.500/-) and Miscellaneous Fee (Rs.500/-) will also have to paid annually. Caution Deposit is Rs.1000/-
Eligibility for Admission: (i) Applicant should be an Indian citizen of Kerala origin. (ii) The Applicant should have obtained B.D.S Degree from any University in Kerala or from any other University, recognized by the Universities in Kerala as equivalent thereto. Applicants who complete one year Compulsory Rotating Resident Internship on or before 30.04.2008 are also eligible to apply for the Entrance Examination, subject to the condition that admission will be given only after registering with the Kerala Dental Council. (iii) The Upper age limit as on 30.4.2008 is 45 years for General Candidates and 47 years for Service candidates. (iv) Applicant should secure a minimum of 50% marks in the Entrance Examination (40% marks for SC/ST/SEBC candidates).
Submission of Application: Application form, which is common for General and Service candidates is available in the website Prospectus is also available in this site. All applicants (General and Service) should submit their filled up application form along with the necessary documents as per Clause IX (C) of the Prospectus and a Demand Draft of Rs.800/- (for General candidates)/Rs. 400/- (for SC/ST candidates) drawn on a Nationalized Bank, in favour of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations, payable at Thiruvananthapuram to the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations, Housing Board Buildings, Santhinagar, Thiruvananthapuram – 695001, either by Registered post / Speed post / hand delivery so as to reach him before 5 pm on 26.12.2007 (Wednesday).
Service candidates, applying under General merit also, need submit only a single application form to the CEE. However, Service candidates should forward a copy of the application form along with attested copies of all required documents, as stipulated in clause VIII(B) of the Prospectus, to the Controlling Officer concerned. (Director of Medical Education / Director of Health Services) on or before 5 pm, 26.12.2007.
Rank List: The Commissioner for Entrance Examinations will conduct the Entrance Examination, prepare and publish the rank list of candidates who qualify in the Entrance Examination and forward the list to the Director of Medical Education (DME).
The CEE will also prepare a separate list of Service candidates who qualify in the Entrance Examination and forward the same to the DME.
Admission: The selection, admission and allotment of seats, including those under Service Quota, will be made by the DME, based on various provisions laid down in the Prospectus, approved by the Government of Kerala.
For details visit



At 14 January 2008 at 07:49 , Blogger Unknown said...

haDoes any body have the Previous years MDS entrance question papers. Kindly publish it if you have.

At 24 September 2009 at 03:33 , Blogger Mazid said...

pls add subjct vise number of qestions from the prospectus.

abdul mazid

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