Thursday, 1 May 2008

The English and Foreign Languages University

The English and Foreign Languages University
Date of Issue: Saturday, April 26, 2008
Courses offered:
ADMISSION NOTICE: 2008-09: The following Under-Graduate, Post-Graduate and Research Programmes will be offered during 2008 – 2009: A ) HYDERABAD CAMPUS PROGRAMMES (ENGLISH) 01. 5-Year Integrated MA English (3-yr. BA (Hons) + 2-yr. MA) (6+4 semesters) 02. 5-Year Integrated MA Mass Communication and Journalism (MCJ) (3-yr. BA (Hons) + 2-yr. MA) (6+4 semesters) For 01 & 02 Eligibility: Pass in +2 / Intermediate 01. MA English (specialization in) Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)/ Media and Communication/ Linguistics/ English Literature/ Literary & Cultural Studies. (4 semesters) 02. MA: Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)/ Linguistics/ English Literature/ Literary & Cultural Studies. (4 semesters) 03. Post-Graduate Diploma in the Teaching of English (PGDTE) (2 semesters) 04. M. Phil. in English Language Education/ English Literature / Linguistics & Phonetics (2 semesters) 05. Ph.D. in English Language Education/ English Literature/ Linguistics & Phonetics (Face-to-face : 6 semesters), Distance Mode (4 years) 06. B. Ed. (English) Self-Financing Course (2 semesters) B) HYDERABAD CAMPUS - PROGRAMMES (FOREIGN LANGUAGES) 01. 5-Year Integrated MA: Arabic/ French/ German/ Russian/ Spanish (3-yr. BA (Hons) + 2-yr. MA) (6+4 semesters) Eligibility: Pass in +2 / Intermediate 02. MA: Arabic/ French (4 semesters) 03. Post-Graduate Diploma in the Teaching of Arabic (PGDTA) (2 semesters) 04. M. Phil.: Arabic/ French/ German/ Russian (2 semesters) 05. Ph.D.: Arabic/ French/ German/ Russian (6 semesters) 06. M. Phil. (Distance Mode): Russian (6 semesters) 07. Ph.D. (Distance Mode): Russian (10 semesters) 08. 1-Year Intensive Advanced Diploma in Russian (2 semesters) Eligibility: Pass in +2 / Intermediate ** C) LUCKNOW CAMPUS PROGRAMMES 1. 5-Year Integrated MA English (3-yr. BA (Hons) + 2-yr. MA) (6+4 semesters) Eligibility: Pass in +2 / Intermediate 2. MA English (4 semesters) 3. Post-Graduate Diploma in the Teaching of English (PGDTE) (2 semesters) 4. M. Phil. in English (Linguistics & Phonetics) (2 semesters) 5. Ph. D. in English (Linguistics & Phonetics) (6 semesters) D) NORTH-EAST CAMPUS, SHILLONG PROGRAMMES 1. Certificate Course in German (2 semesters) * 2. Diploma in Mass Communication (2 semesters) * 3. 5-Year Integrated MA English (3-yr. BA (Hons) + 2-yr. MA) (6+4 semesters) Eligibility: Pass in +2 / Intermediate 4. Post-Graduate Diploma in the Teaching of English (PGDTE) (2 semesters) 5. Ph. D. in English Literature (6 semesters)

Application procedure:
For programmes marked *contact: The Director, EFL University (North-East Campus), NEHU Permanent Complex, Umshing-Mawkynroh, SHILLONG – 793022. For all other programmes application forms can be obtained from 1-5-2008 onwards from Publications Unit, EFL University, Hyderabad – 500 605 on payment of Rs. 500/- (Rs. 250/- for SC/ST/ Visually- and Physically-challenged on production of proof) in cash or in the form of a Demand Draft (DD) drawn in favour of Registrar, EFL University, payable at Hyderabad. For B. Ed. DD in favour of Programme Coordinator, B. Ed. English. Write “Request for Application” on envelope and specify Programme of study. Application Forms, Admit Pass and Model Papers can be downloaded from the EFL-U website. When submitting downloaded application forms enclose DD for Rs. 500/- (or Rs. 250/- for SC/ST/Visually- and Physically-challenged). Candidates applying for more than one programme may obtain additional forms by paying Rs. 50/- for each additional form (non-transferable).

Email :

Further details can be taken from:
Website: Tel: 040-27098131, 27090164


Last date of submission of Forms:
20 May 2008

Date of Entrance Test :
15 June 2008

Exam Centres :
Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Calicut, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kochi, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Nagpur, Patna, Pune, Shillong, Udaipur.



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