Monday, 19 November 2007

JAM 2008: Submission of Applications from Nov 12

JAM 2008: Submission of
Applications from Nov 12
The Joint Admission Test to M.Sc.-2008(JAM 2008) for Admission to M.Sc. and other Post-B.Sc. Programmes at Indian Institutes of Technology, Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee will be held on 30th March, 2008 (Sunday) at Ahmedabad, Bhopal, Indore, Mumbai, Nagpur, Pune, and Vadodara/Baroda (IIT Bombay Zone), Chandigarh and Delhi (IIT Delhi Zone), Bhubaneshwar, Guwahati, Jorhat, Patna and Ranchi (IIT Guwahati Zone), Kanpur, Lucknow and Varanasi (IIT Kanpur Zone), Kharagpur, Kolkata, Silliguri, Vijayawada and Vishakapatnam (IIT Kharagpur Zone) Bangalore, Chennai, Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Kochi/Cochin, Mangalore, Thiruvananthapuram and Tiruchirapalli (IIT Madras Zone), Agra, Amritsar, Bareily, Jaipur Kurushetra, Nainital, Noida and Roorkee (IIT Roorkee Zone)
The Joint Admission test to M.Sc. (JAM) is conducted for admission to M.Sc. and other Post-B.Sc. Programmes at the IITs. JAM-2008 is open to all nationals (Indian/Foreign). Candidates seeking admission to academic programmes covered under JAM-2008 need to appear in JAM-2008. There is no age restriction.
To apply for admission to a desired programme, a candidate is required to qualify in the corresponding Test Paper at JAM and also satisfy the minimum educational qualifications and eligibility criteria of the concerned academic programme.
Candidates who have either appeared or are due to appear in the final examination of their qualifying degree in 2008 are also eligible to appear in the Test. On qualifying JAM-2008, such candidates can apply for provisional admission subject to the condition that: (i) all parts of their final examination shall be over by the date of registration of the Admitting Institute and (ii) shall produce the proof of having passed the qualifying degree with required eligibility, as specified by the Admitting Institute, in the form of the final result on or before September 30, 2008.
Admissions to various academic programmes at different institutes will be made on the basis of merit in JAM-2008. On the basis of performance in the Test, for each Test Paper, separate merit lists will be prepared for General, SC, ST and Person with Disability (PD) category candidates.
Candidates should note that mere appearance in JAM-2008 or being in the merit list of any Test Paper neither guarantees nor provides any automatic entitlement for admission. Qualified candidates should apply for admission as per the prescribed procedure. Admissions shall be made in order of merit and depending on the number of seats available at the Admitting Institute(s).
IIT Bombay: Two-year Master of Science (M.Sc.) in:
(i) Applied Statistics and Informatics,
(ii) Applied Geology
(iii) Applied Geophysics
(iv) Biotechnology
(v) Chemistry
(vi) Mathematics
(vii) Physics
(viii) M.Sc.-Ph. D. Dual Degree programmes in: (i) Energy, and (ii) Physics.
IIT Delhi: Two-year Master of Science (M.Sc.) in:
(i) Chemistry
(ii) Mathematics
(iii) Physics.
IIT Guwahati: Two-year Master of Science (M.Sc.) in:
(i) Chemistry
(ii) Mathematics and Computing
(iii) Physics.
IIT Kanpur: Two-year Master of Science (M.Sc.) in:
(i) Chemistry
(ii) Mathematics
(iii) Physics
(iv) Statistics
(v) M.Sc.-Ph.D. Dual Degree Programme in Physics (Transfer from M.Sc.-Ph.D. Dual Degree Programme to M.Sc. Physics programme is not permitted).
IIT Kharagpur: Two-year Master of Science (M.Sc.) programmes in:
(i) Chemistry
(ii) Geological Sciences
(iii) Geophysics
(iv) Mathematics
(v) Physics
(vi) Statistics & Informatics.
IIT Madras: Two-year Master of Science (M.Sc.) in:
(i) Chemistry
(ii) Mathematics
(iii) Physics.
IIT Roorkee: Two-year Master of Science (M.Sc.) programmes in:
(i) Applied Geology
(ii) Applied Mathematics
(iii) Biotechnology
(iv) Chemistry
(v) Industrial Mathematics and Informatics
(vi) Physics.
(vii) Three-year Master of Technology (M.Tech.) Applied Geophysics
(viii) Three-year Interdisciplinary Master of Computer Applications (MCA).
Educational qualifications for admission:
M.Sc. Applied Geology/ M.Sc. Geological Sciences (Bombay, Kharagpur, Roorkee): Bachelor's degree with Geology as a subject for three years/six semesters and any two subjects among Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biological Science. The candidate must have Mathematics at (10+2) level.
M.Sc. Applied Geophysics / M.Tech. Applied Geophysics (Bombay, Roorkee): Bachelor's degree with Mathematics and Physics as subjects and any one among the following subjects: Chemistry, Geology, Statistics, Electronics, and Computer Science.
M.Sc. Applied Mathematics / M.Sc. Industrial Mathematics and Informatics / M.Sc. Mathematics / M.Sc. Mathematics and Computing (Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, Roorkee): Bachelor's degree with Mathematics as a subject for at least two years/four semesters.
M.Sc. Applied Statistics and Informatics / M.Sc. Statistics / M.Sc. Statistics and Informatics (Bomaby, Kanpur, Kharagpur): Bachelor's degree with either Mathematics or Statistics as a subject for at least two years/four semesters.
M.Sc. Biotechnology (Bomaby, Roorkee): Bachelor's degree in any branch of Science/ Agriculture / Pharmacy / Veterinary / Engineering / Medicine (MBBS).
M.Sc. Chemistry (Bombay, Delhi, Kanpur, Guwahati, Kharagpur, Madras, Roorkee): Bachelor's degree with Chemistry as a subject for three years/six semesters and Mathematics at (10+2) level.
M.Sc. Geophysics (Kharagpur): Bachelor's degree with two subjects among Physics, Mathematics and Geology for at least two years / four semesters each, and the remaining one for at least one year/two semesters.
M.Sc. Physics / M.Sc.-Ph.D. Dual Degree Programme in Physics
(Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, Roorkee): Bachelor's degree with Physics as a subject for at least two years/four semesters and Mathematics for at least one year/two semesters.
M.Sc. -Ph.D. Dual Degree Programme in Energy (Bombay): Bachelor's degree with Chemistry or Mathematics or Physics.
Master of Computer Applications (MCA) (Roorkee): Bachelor's degree with Mathematics as a subject for at least one year for annual system candidates/at least two papers of Mathematics for semester system candidates.
Minimum Mark Requirement for Admission
JAM-2008 qualified candidates shall have to fulfill the following eligibility criteria for admissions in IITs.
They should have secured at least 55% aggregate marks (taking into account all subjects, including languages and subsidiaries, all years combined) for General category candidates and at least 50% aggregate marks (taking into account all subjects, including languages and subsidiaries, all years combined) for SC/ST and PD category candidates in the qualifying degree.
For candidates with letter grades/CGPA (instead of percentage of marks), the equivalence in percentage of marks will be decided by the Admitting Institute(s).
All candidates will have to submit a physical fitness certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner in the prescribed form, at the time of admission.
At the time of registration, the admitted candidates may have to undergo a physical fitness test by a Medical Board constituted by the Admitting Institute. In case a candidate is not found to be physically fit to pursue his/her chosen course of study, his/her admission may be cancelled.
TEST PAPERS FOR ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES: Candidates will have to appear for the Test Paper corresponding to the Academic Programme to which Admission is sought.
The courses and the Test paper (with Code in Brackets) to appear are as follows:
M.Sc. Biotechnology -Biotechnology (BT) , M.Sc. Chemistry, M.Sc.-Ph.D. Dual Degree in Energy - Chemistry (CY), Master of Computer Applications - Computer Applications (CA)MSc. Applied Geology, M.Sc. Geological Sciences - Geology (GG) , M.Sc. Applied Geophysics, M.Sc. Geophysics, M.Tech. Applied Geophysics- Geophysics (GP)
M.Sc. Applied Statistics and Informatics, M.Sc. Statistics and Informatics, M.Sc. Statistics - Mathematical Statistics (MS) , M.Sc. Applied Mathematics, M.Sc. Industrial Mathematics and Informatics, M.Sc. Mathematics, M.Sc. Mathematics and Computing, M.Sc.-Ph.D. Dual Degree in Energy -Mathematics (MA) , M.Sc. Physics, M.Sc.-Ph.D. Dual Degree programme in Physics, M.Sc.-Ph.D. Dual Degree in Energy - Physics (PH).
Test Schedule: The test in Chemistry, Computer Application, Geology, Mathematical Sciences and Physics will be held from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon and those for Biotechnology, Geophysics and Mathematics from 2:00 p.m.- 5:00 p.m on March 30, 2008 (Sunday)
A candidate can appear in either one or two Test Papers, subject to the restrictions imposed by the Test Schedule and on payment of requisite additional fee for the second Test Paper, if applicable. Candidates desiring to appear in two test papers must ensure that there is no clash of time schedule for the chosen test papers.
Nature of Test: Test Papers for Biotechnology and Computer Applications will be fully Objective Type. These Test Papers have to be answered in an Objective Response Sheet (ORS) by darkening appropriate bubbles using black HB pencil. All other Test Papers will be Objective-cum-Subjective Type. There will be a ‘Question-cum-Answer Booklet’ for each of these six Test Papers. Answers to various questions are to be given at appropriate places in the ‘Question-cum-Answer Booklet’ itself. No supplementary sheet will be provided. In each of these six Test Papers, out of the total marks assigned to the Test Paper, objective and subjective questions will carry weightages of 30% and 70%, respectively. The Objective type questions in all the Test Papers will have four choices as possible answers, of which, only one will be correct. There will be negative marking for wrong answers to the Objective type questions in all the Test Papers. For wrong answer to an objective type question, candidates will get negative 1/3 (negative one third) of the maximum marks assigned to the question
Application forms: Application forms along with the Information Brochure will be available through selected Branches of State Bank of India from November 12, 2007 (Monday) till January 04, 2008 (Friday) on cash payment of Rs. 1000/- for General Category Male candidates, Rs. 900/- for General Category Female candidates and Rs. 500/- for SC/ST and PD candidates, at the Bank counter. The Branches are
Bombay Zone: Ahmedabad (Bhadra), Baroda (Railway Station) Bhopal (Main Branch), Indore (Near GPO), Mumbai (IIT Powai, Santacruz (W)), Nagpur (Chhaoni), Pune (East Street Camp).
Delhi Zone: Chandigarh (Sector 17), Delhi (IIT Delhi, Delhi University, South Campus).
Guwahati Zone: Bhubaneswar (Main Branch), Guwahati (Fancy Bazar), Jorhat, Patna (Exhibition Road), Ranchi (A.G. Office Complex).
Kanpur Zone: Kanpur (IIT Kanpur), Lucknow (Alambagh), Varanasi (Main Branch).
Kharagpur Zone: Kharagpur (IIT Kharagpur), Kolkata (College Street, Baghbazar), Siliguri (Hill Cart Road), Vijayawada (Governorpet), Vishakapatnam (Industrial Estate).
Madras Zone: Bangalore (Main Branch), Chennai (IIT Campus, Rajaji Salai), Coimbatore (Oppanakara), Hyderabad (Abid Road), Cochin (Main Branch), Mangalore (Commercial Branch), Thiruvananthapuram (Statue Branch), Tiruchirapalli (Palkalai Perur).
Roorkee Zone: Agra (Raja ki Mandi), Amritsar, Bareilly (Civil Lines), Jaipur (PBB Vaishali Nagar), Kurukshetra (Mini Sectt.), Nainital, Noida (PBB Noida), Roorkee (IIT Roorkee).
Application by Post: The ‘OMR Application Form’ and the ‘Information Brochure’ can also be obtained by Post from the JAM Office of IIT Kanpur by making a written request along with the DD for Rs. 1050/- (General Male candidates), Rs. 950/- (General Female candidates) and Rs. 550/- (SC/ST and PD candidates), drawn in favour of ‘Organising Chairman, JAM-2008’, IIT Kanpur, payable at SBI, IIT Kanpur (Branch Code: 1161), and a self-addressed slip (11.0 cm x 6.0 cm). Requests should reach JAM office, IIT Kanpur, between 12, November 2007 (Monday) and December 26, 2007.
Candidates desiring to appear for a second Test Paper must clearly mention their option in the OMR Application Form. Such candidates are required to pay an additional fee of Rs. 300/- (Rs. 150/- for SC/ST and PD candidates) through a DD in favour of ‘Organising Chairman, JAM-2008’, payable at SBI, IIT Kanpur ( Branch Code: 1161). This DD is to be sent along with the OMR Application Form.
Online Procedure: The facility for Online Submission of Applications will be available through the website, from 12 November 2007 (Monday). Online Registration will close on January 07, 2008 (Monday).
The Last date for receipt of completed Application Form along with Pay-in-slip and Demand Draft (if any) / Online Registration Form along with Demand Draft at the Organising Institute (IIT Kanpur) is January 11, 2008 (Friday).
Irrespective of the choice of the cities/towns of Test Centers, candidate must send the duly filled in OMR Application Form or completed Online Registration Form, as the case be, along with all necessary enclosures, to Organising Chairman, JAM -2008 , JAM / GATE Office, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur - 208 016, by Speed Post/Registered Post only. The completed OMR Application Form/Online Registration Form can also be submitted in person at the JAM office, IIT Kanpur, during office hours on working days.
The results of JAM-2008 Test will be announced at 0900 hrs on April 29, 2008 (Tuesday). The Issue of Admission Form by JAM Office of the Organising Institute / downloading from the Website of Organising Institute will start on April 29, 2008 (Tuesday) and the last date for receipt of completed Admission Form at Organising Institute along with Demand Draft of Rs. 300/- will be May 14, 2008 (Wednesday)
For full details of the Examinations and also for the Syllabus for the Test papers of JAM 2008, visit



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