Wednesday, 5 December 2007

MD / MS / MDS in Sri Ramachandra University

MD / MS / MDS in Sri Ramachandra University
The All India Entrance Examination for admission to the Post Graduate Degree and Diploma Courses (Clinical and Non-Clinical) of the Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Centre, Chennai and Post Graduate Degree Courses in Dentistry of the Sri Ramachandra Dental College and Hospital, Chennai both under the Sri Ramachandra University, Porur, Chennai will be held on 20.1.2008 (Sunday) at Sri Ramachandra University, Porur, Chennai.
The Entrance Examination for the Medical PG Degree/Diploma Courses under the Clinical stream and that to the Post Graduate Degree Courses in Dentistry will be held from 10 am to 1 noon. The Entrance Examination for the PG Degree/Diploma courses under the Non-Clinical stream will be held from 2 pm to 5 pm. The Courses Offered and Number of seats are:Post-Graduate Degree & Diploma Courses (Clinical) 1. M.D. GENERAL MEDICINE -102. M.D. PAEDIATRICS - 43. M.D. ANAESTHESIOLOGY- 54. M.D. RADIO-DIAGNOSIS - 55. M.D. DERMATOLOGY, VENEREOLOGY AND LEPROSY - 26. M.D. PATHOLOGY - 37. M.D. PSYCHIATRY - 18. M.S. GENERAL SURGERY - 89. M.S. OBSTETRICS & GYNAECOLOGY - 1210. M.S. ORTHOPAEDICS - 811. M.S. OPHTHALMOLOGY - 312. M.S. OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY - 213. DIPLOMA IN CHILD HEALTH (D.C.H.) - 814. DIPLOMA IN OBSTETRICS & GYNAECOLOGY (D.G.O.) - 1215. DIPLOMA IN ANAESTHESIOLOGY (D.A.) - 616. DIPLOMA IN ORTHOPAEDICS (D.Ortho.) -1017. DIPLOMA IN OPHTHALMOLOGY (D.O.) - 618. DIPLOMA IN OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (D.L.O.) - 419. DIPLOMA IN MEDICAL RADIO-DIAGNOSIS (D.M.R.D.) - 620. DIPLOMA IN DERMATOLOGY, VENEREOLOGY AND LEPROSY (D.D.V.L.) - 421. DIPLOMA IN PSYCHIATRY (D.P.M.) - 1Post-Graduate Degree & Diploma Courses (Non-Clinical)22. M.D. ANATOMY - 323. M.D. PHYSIOLOGY - 424. M.D. BIOCHEMISTRY - 225. M.D. MICROBIOLOGY - 326. M.D. PHARMACOLOGY - 327. M.D. COMMUNITY MEDICINE - 328. DIPLOMA IN PUBLIC HEALTH (D.P.H.) 3Post-Graduate Degree Courses in Dentistry29. M.D.S. PROSTHODONTICS - 430. M.D.S. PERIODONTICS - 431. M.D.S. ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY - 432. M.D.S. CONSERVATIVE DENTISTRY - 533. M.D.S. ORTHODONTICS - 434. M.D.S. ORAL MEDICINE & RADIOLOGY - 235. M.D.S. ORAL PATHOLOGY - 336. M.D.S. PEDODONTICS & PREVENTIVE DENTISTRY - 2
Eligibility: For admission to the Post Graduate Medical Degree/Diploma courses, applicant should have an MBBS Degree and should complete internship by 31.3.2008. For Dentistry Courses, applicant should have a BDS Degree and should complete internship by 31.3.2008.
Application forms: Application form and Prospectus can be downloaded from the website These can be obtained directly from the University office also by paying Rs.1100/-. Application and Prospectus can also be obtained from the Registrar of the University by sending a request along with a Demand Draft of Rs.1100/- drawn in the name of ‘The Registrar, Sri Ramachandra University, Porur, Chennai- 116’.
Selection to the courses will be based on the mark in the entrance examination to be held on an All India basis. Persons from any State or Union Territory can apply for admission.
The last date for receipt of the filled up Applications along with the necessary documents in the University is 27.12.2007 (Thursday).
For details visit



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