Thursday, 1 May 2008

Indian Institute Of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing

Indian Institute Of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing
Date of Issue: Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Courses offered:
Admission in MTech & PhD Programme July 2008 The Institute invites applications for admission to its Masters (MTech, MDes) and Doctoral (PhD) programmes for the session commencing from July 2008.

A) MTech: i) Computer Science & Engineering(CSE): B Tech/ BE in any engineering discipline OR M Sc in Mathematics, Statistics or a similar discipline OR MCA with (a) minimum marks/CPI in Qualifying Degree and (b) valid GATE score in Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology/ Mathematics/ Engineering Sciences (compulsorily with Sections Computational Science and Electrical Science). ii) Electronics & Communication Engineering(ECE): B Tech/ BE in Electronics/ Electronics and Communication Engineering/ Electrical Engineering/ Electrical and Electronics Engineering/ Instrumentation Engineering or a similar discipline OR M Sc in Electronics/ Electronics Science/ Physics/ Mathematics or a similar discipline with (a) minimum marks/CPI in Qualifying Degree and (b) valid GATE score in Electronics and Communication Engineering/ Electrical Engineering/Instrumentation Engineering / Physics. iii) Mechanical Engineering(ME): B Tech/ BE in Mechanical Engineering/ Aeronautical Engineering/ Automobile Engineering/ Production Engineering/ Industrial Engineering/ Production and Industrial Engineering/ Metallurgical Engineering/ Manufacturing Science and Engineering/ Energy Engineering or a similar discipline with (a) minimum marks/CPI in Qualifying Degree and (b) valid GATE score in Mechanical Engineering / Production and Industrial Engineering/ Metallurgical Engineering/Engineering Sciences (compulsorily with any two of the sections Fluid Mechanics, Materials Science, Solid Mechanics or Thermodynamics). B) M.Des: B.Tech/B.E./B.Arch./B.Des./BFA/M.Sc./M.A./MCA with (a) minimum marks/CPI in Qualifying Degree and (b) valid score in CEED examination Minimum marks/CPI in Qualifying Degree: 55% marks / 5.5 CPI (on a 10-point scale) as long as it is at least seven percent higher than the minimum pass marks /CPI for General Category applicants and minimum passing marks for SC/ST applicants. GATE /CEED score requirement is waived for sponsored candidates. C) PhD: i) Computer Science & Engineering(CSE): M Tech/ ME in Computer Science & Engineering or Information Technology or a similar discipline with minimum marks/ CPI in Qualifying Degree. ii) Electronics & Communication Engineering(ECE): M Tech/ ME in Electronics/ Electronics & Communication Engineering/ Electrical Engineering or a similar discipline with minimum marks/ CPI in Qualifying Degree. Mechanical Engineering(ME): M Tech/ ME in Mechanical Engineering/ Production Engineering /Industrial Engineering/Production and Industrial Engineering or a similar discipline with minimum marks/ CPI in Qualifying Degree. Minimum % of marks in Qualifying Degree: 55% marks or CPI of 5.5 (on a 10-point scale) for General Category applicants and Pass Percentage marks for SC/ST applicants.

Application procedure:
Application forms and detailed information can be downloaded from Institute website or can be obtained free of charge, from the Convener (PGCS), PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur, C/o IT Bhawan, JEC Campus, Gokalpur, Jabalpur 482 011 personally or by sending the request for the same along with a self-addressed and stamped (Rs.30) cloth-lined envelope of 23 cm × 17 cm with a clear identification for the programme you are applying for. Application Forms are available from April 12, 2008. Filled up Application Forms along with a Demand Draft of Rs. 200/- for Gen & Rs.100/- for SC/ST category in favour of The Registrar, PDPM-IIITDM Jabalpur, Payable at SBI Branch Jabalpur must be received latest by May 07, 2008.

Email :

Further details can be taken from:
TEL: 0761 2632273 FAX: 0761 2632524 Website:

IT Bhavan , GEC Campus, Gokalpur, Jabalpur-482011

Last date of submission of Forms:
May 07, 2008.

Date of Entrance Test :
Written test/interview : 1. MTech/MDes: 04-06-2008 and 05-06-2008 ; ; 2. PhD: 06-06-2008

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