Sunday, 11 January 2009

RINPAS Ranchi - MD/ Ph.D Admissions in Psychological Subjects

RINPAS Ranchi - MD/ Ph.D Admissions in Psychological Subjects
Ranchi Institute of Neuro Psychiatry & Allied Sciences (RINPAS) invites applications for the following programs

1. M.D. (Psychiatry).
2. Diploma in Psychological Medicine (D.P.M.)

M.B.B.S. degree from any University / Medical College of Jharkhand State recognised by M.C.I. The Candidate who is resident of Jharkhand and has passed MBBS from Bihar can also apply, who has got admission in Bihar Medical College before creation of Jharkhand State i.e. before 15-11-2000. The Candidate must have completed the rotating internship by 15-2-2009.

The candidate must have obtained permanent registration from Medical Council of India or Bihar/Jharkhand State Medical Council. Residency Scheme will be applicable for M.D. and D.P.M. students.
3. Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology.

Master degree in Psychology of a recognised University with minimum 60% marks, or Diploma / M.Phil in Medical and Social Psychology or Clinical Psychology

4. Ph.D. in Psychiatric Social Work

M.A. Social Work or M.S.W. of a recognised university with minimum 60% marks, or DPSW / M.Phil in Psychiatric Social Work

5. M. Phil. in Medical and Social Psychology.

M.A. in Psychology of a recognised University with minimum 50% marks in the aggregate.

6. M.Phil in Psychiatric Social Work.

M.A. in Social Work / Sociology of a recognised University with minimum 50% marks in the aggregate.

7. Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing.

A- Grade Certificate or Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery.
Experience: Two Years experience as Staff Nurse

Application procedure:
Completed application form should reach on or before 15th February 2009 to the Director, Ranchi Institute of Neuro-Psychiatry & Allied Sciences (RINPAS), Kanka, Ranchi – 834 006 along with a non-refundable demand draft of Rs. 500/- (Rs. 250/- only in case of ST / SC candidates) drawn in favour of the Director, RINPAS payable at Ranchi as examination Fee.

The candidates are requested to collect their admit card from the office RINPAS one day before or on the day of entrance examination.

The written examination will be held on 28th February, 2009. Only those candidates who qualify in written examination will be called for Interview on 1st March 2009 for final selection.

Last date of Application: 15th February 2009


At 15 February 2010 at 21:09 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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St. Gregorious Edu-Guidance,
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