Wednesday, 21 November 2007

AICTE invites applications in the prescribed proforma from well qualified, experienced and dedicated candidates for the following posts:

Recruitment Notice No. AICTE/ESTT/2007/1

The All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE) was established by an Act of Parliament (No. 52 of 1987) with a view to provide proper planning and coordinated development of the technical education system throughout the country, the promotion of qualitative improvements of such education in relation to planned quantitative growth and the regulation and proper maintenance of norms and standards in the technical education system and for matters connected therewith.

AICTE invites applications in the prescribed proforma from well qualified, experienced and dedicated candidates for the following posts:

SL. NO. 01: ADVISER -II, SCALE OF PAY : Rs. 16,400-450-20,000/-, Post:01
(on deputation basis)

Officers from the Central or State Governments or Universities or Institutions of Higher Education or Autonomous Bodies or PSUs; (a) (i)Holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or department; or (ii)With four years service in the posts rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in the scale of Rs. 14300-18300/14300-22400 in the parent cadre/ department; or (iii) Six years service in the post in the pay scale of Rs. 12000-16500/12000-18300 in the parent cadre/ department; and (b) Possessing the following educational qualifications and experience:
Qualifications: Master Degree in any of the subjects of Science or Mathematics or Computer Application or Management including Behavioral Science, Commerce and Business Economics or Economics or Pharmacy or Engineering and Technology or Architecture and Town Planning from a recognized University or equivalent. Experience: Fifteen years experience in teaching or research, Educational Planning or Administration, Training etc. in Central or State Government or University or other Institution of Higher Education or Autonomous Bodies or PSUs.
Note: Preference will be given to the persons with Doctorate Degree and /or published research work with evidence of writing the technical reports.

SL. NO. 02: DIRECTOR, SCALE OF PAY : Rs. 14,300-400-18,300/-, Posts:04
(on deputation basis)

Officers from the Central or State Governments or Universities or Autonomous Bodies or PSUs; (a) (i) holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or department; or (ii) With four years service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in the scale of Rs. 12000-16500 in the parent cadre/ department; and (b) Possessing the following educational qualifications and experience:
Qualifications: Master Degree in any of the subjects of Science or Mathematics or Computer Application or Management including Behavioral Science, Commerce and Business Economics or Economics or Pharmacy or Engineering and Technology or Architecture and Town Planning from a recognized University or equivalent. Experience: Twelve years experience in teaching or research, Educational Planning or Administration, Training etc. in Central or State Government or University or other Institution of Higher Education or Autonomous Bodies or PSUs.
Note: Preference will be given to the persons with Doctorate Degree and /or published research work with evidence of writing the technical reports.

SL. NO. 03: DEPUTY DIRECTOR, SCALE OF PAY : Rs. 12,000-375-18,000/-,
Posts:04 (01-OBC, 03-UR), Age limit: Not exceeding 45 years. (on direct recruitment basis)

Qualifications: Master Degree in any of the subjects of Science or Mathematics or Computer Application or Management including Behavioral Science, Commerce and Business Economics or Economics or Pharmacy or Engineering and Technology or Architecture and Town Planning from a recognized University or equivalent. Experience: Ten years experience at supervisory level out of which, at least four years experience in Teaching or Research, Educational Planning or Administration, Training etc., in Central or State Government or University or other Institution of Higher Education or Autonomous Bodies or PSUs.
Note: Preference will be given to persons holding Doctorate degree and/or published research work with evidence of writing the technical reports.

SL. NO. 04(A): ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, SCALE OF PAY : Rs. 10,000-325-15,200/-, Posts:02 (on deputation basis)

Officers from the Central or State Governments or Universities or Autonomous Bodies or PSUs; (a)(i) holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or department; or (ii) with four years service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in the scale of Rs. 8000-13500 in the parent cadre/ department; and (b) Possessing the following educational qualifications and experience:
Qualifications: Master Degree in any of the subjects of Science or Mathematics or Computer Application or Management including Behavioral Science, Commerce and Business Economics or Economics or Pharmacy or Engineering and Technology or Architecture and Town Planning from a recognized University or equivalent. Experience: Eight years experience at supervisory level out of which, at least four years experience in Teaching or Research, Educational Planning or Administration, Training etc. in Central or State Government or University or other Institutions of Higher Education or Autonomous Bodies or PSUs.
Note: Preference will be given to persons holding Doctorate Degree and/or published research work with evidence of writing the technical reports.

SL. NO. 04(B): ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, SCALE OF PAY : Rs. 10,000-325-15,200/-, Posts:15 (02-SC, 01-ST, 03-OBC, 01-PH, 08-UR), Age limit: Not exceeding 45 years. (on direct recruitment basis)

Qualifications: Master Degree in any of the subjects of Science or Mathematics or Computer Application or Management including Behavioral Science, Commerce and Business Economics or Economics or Pharmacy or Engineering and Technology or Architecture and Town Planning from a recognized University or equivalent. Experience: Eight years experience at supervisory level out of which, at least four years experience in Teaching or Research, Educational Planning or Administration, Training etc., in Central or State Government or University or other Institutions of Higher Education or Autonomous Bodies or PSUs.
Note : Preference will be given to persons holding Doctorate degree and/or published research work with evidence of writing the technical reports.

SL. NO. 05: ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN, SCALE OF PAY : Rs. 6,500-200-10,500/-,
Post:01, (01-UR), Age limit: Not exceeding 35 years. (on direct recruitment basis)

Qualifications: (i) Degree from a recognized University or equivalent. ii) Bachelor degree/diploma or equivalent in Library Science from a recognized University or Institute or equivalent. iii) Two years professional experience in a Library of standing and Diploma in Computer Applications from a recognized University or Institute or equivalent. Desirable: Master Degree in Library Science from a recognized University or equivalent.

SL. NO. 06: COUNCIL ENGINEER, SCALE OF PAY : Rs. 6,500-200-10,500/-,
Post:01, (01-UR), Age limit: Not exceeding 35 years. (on direct recruitment basis)

Qualifications and Experience: (i) Degree or Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University/Institution or equivalent. (ii) Four years experience for degree and five years experience for diploma respectively in construction or maintenance of buildings or fittings etc. from Central or State Government organizations or PSUs or Universities or Autonomous Bodies. (iii) Knowledge in Computer applications. Desirable: Knowledge of Government Rules and Procedures.

SCALE OF PAY : Rs. 5,500-175-9,000/-, Posts:08, (01-SC, 02-OBC, 05-UR), Age limit: Not exceeding 35 years. (on direct recruitment basis)

Qualifications and Experience: (i) Degree in Commerce from a recognized University or equivalent. (ii) Possessing five years experience of Central or State Government offices or Universities or PSUs or Autonomous Bodies in accounting/budgeting/ auditing/ cash and general finance matters. (iii) Knowledge of Government rules and regulations. Desirable: Training in cash and accounts work in the Institute of Secretariat Training and Management(ISTM) or equivalent.

SL. NO. 08: PERSONAL ASSISTANT, SCALE OF PAY : Rs. 5,000-150-8,000/-, Posts:04 (on deputation basis)

Officers from the Central or State Governments or Universities or Autonomous Bodies or PSUs; (i) holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or department; or (ii) With five years service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in the scale of Rs. 4000-6000 as Stenographer.
Qualifications: (i)Degree from a recognized University or equivalent. (ii) Speed of 100 words per minute in Stenography in English. (iii) Knowledge in Computer Applications.

SL. NO. 09: ASSISTANT, SCALE OF PAY : Rs. 5,000-150-8,000/-, Posts:03 (03-UR), Age limit: Not exceeding 35 years. (on direct recruitment basis)

Qualifications and Experience: (i) Degree from a recognized University or equivalent. (ii) Six years experience in General Administration/ Accounts work. (ii)Working knowledge in Computer Applications.

SL. NO. 10: JUNIOR HINDI TRANSLATOR, SCALE OF PAY : Rs. 5,000-150-8,000/-, Posts:02, (02-UR), Age limit: Not exceeding 35 years. (on direct recruitment basis)

Qualifications: (1)(a) Master Degree from a recognized University or equivalent in Hindi or English with English or Hindi as a main subject at the degree level or (b) Master Degree from a recognized University in any subject with Hindi as medium of instructions and examination with English as a compulsory subject at degree level; or (2) (a) Bachelor Degree with Hindi and English as main subjects or either of the two as medium of instructions and other as a main subject; and (b) Diploma or Certificate Course in translation from Hindi to English and vice versa; or Two years experience of translation works from Hindi to English and vice versa.

SL. NO. 11: STENOGRAPHER, SCALE OF PAY : Rs. 4,000-100-6,000/-, Posts:11, (01-SC, 02-OBC, 08-UR), Age limit: Not exceeding 35 years. (on direct recruitment basis)

Qualifications: (i) Degree or equivalent from a recognized University. (ii) Speed of 80 words per minute in Stenography (English/ Hindi). Desirable: Knowledge in Computer Applications.

SL. NO. 12: UPPER DIVISION CLERK, SCALE OF PAY : Rs. 4,000-100-6,000/-, Posts:09. (on deputation basis)

Officers from the Central or State Governments or Universities or PSUs or Autonomous Bodies; (a)(i) holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or department, or (ii)With five years regular service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in the scale of Rs. 3050-4590 in the parent cadre/ department with experience in Administration/ Accounts matters and knowledge of Government of India rules/ regulations and noting and drafting; and (b) Possessing the following educational qualifications:
(1) Degree from a recognized University or equivalent. (2) Knowledge in Computer Applications.

SL. NO. 13: LOWER DIVISION CLERK, SCALE OF PAY : Rs. 3,050-75-3,950-80-4,590/-, Posts:04, (01-OBC, 01-PH, 02-UR), Age limit: Not exceeding 30 years. (on direct recruitment basis)

Qualifications: (i) Degree from the recognized University or equivalent. (ii) Typing speed of 30 words per minute in English or 25 words per minute in Hindi or Diploma in Computer Applications from a recognized Institute. Desirable: (i) Experience in general office work, handling files etc.(ii) Knowledge in Computer Applications.

SL. NO. 14: STAFF CAR DRIVER, SCALE OF PAY : Rs. 3,050-75-3,950-80-4,590/-Posts:02, (01-OBC, 01-UR), Age limit: Not exceeding 40 years. (on direct recruitment basis)

Qualifications: (i) Class VIII Pass. (ii) Possessing valid driving license for motor cars.
(iii) Five years driving experience of motor car. (iv) Knowledge of motor mechanism.


1. The Council reserves the right to withdraw this advertisement or part of it at any stage.

2. Number of posts is tentative, may vary and Council reserves the right to increase or decrease number of posts and may or may not fill any post(s).

3. The prescribed qualifications are the minimum and mere possession and fulfillment of the essential and desirable qualifications for a post does not entitle the candidate to be called for interview/ test.

4. Application must be neatly typewritten on A-4 size paper in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-I). The proforma can ALSO be downloaded through the website

5. One recent passport size photograph should be pasted on the top right hand corner of the application and be signed by self across.

6. Envelope containing application should be super-scribed with “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF _______________________ (Sl. No. _________ ).”

7. A candidate has to submit separate applications, if he desires to apply for more than one post.

8. The candidates short-listed for interview/ test will be informed by post. The Council will not be responsible for any postal delay.

9. Original certificates should be produced only at the time of interview/ test.

10. Candidates may send an advance copy of application. However, advance application shall be entertained only when application through proper channel (Forwarding Authority) is received. It shall be necessary to furnish “No Objection Certificate” from the parent department/ present employer at the time of interview/test.

11. Applications received after expiry of the prescribed period and/or found to be incomplete in any manner or not submitted in prescribed proforma will not be entertained.

12. The decision of the Council is respect of selections shall be final and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained. Canvassing in any type from any source will disqualify the candidature of the applicant.

Conditions Specific For Direct Recruitment Posts

1. The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing date for receipt of applications from candidates.

2. The SC/ST/OBC/PH candidates must enclose an attested copy of the certificate issued by the Competent Authority in the prescribed proforma. The Form of Certificate to be produced by Other Backward Classes, applying for the appointment to the posts under the Govt. of India, is given at Annexure-II.

3. The OBC candidates are required to send their non-creamy layer certificate as per G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M. No. 36033/28/94-Estt.(Res.), dated 02.07.1997.

4. Each application must be accompanied by a Demand Draft of Rs.250/- (Rupees two hundred fifty only) drawn in favour of Member Secretary, AICTE, payable at New Delhi. No application fee is, however, payable by candidates belonging to SC/ST/PH categories.

5. The application complete in all respect must be sent, directly or through Proper Channel (in case the candidate is already employed), to :-

Deputy Secretary(Admn.),
All India Council for Technical Education,
7th Floor, Chanderlok Building, Janpath
New Delhi – 110001

Latest by 10th December, 2007. Candidates from North Eastern States, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of J& K State, Lahaul & Spiti District and Pangi Sub Division of Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadeep may apply by 17th December, 2007.

6. Each application must be accompanied by non-refundable application fee if the candidate desires to apply for more than one post.

Conditions Specific For Deputation Posts

1. The terms and conditions of deputation will be regulated in accordance with OMs/Orders issued by the Department of Personnel & Training and as amended from time to time.

2. The application complete in all respect must be sent through Proper Channel to :

Deputy Secretary(Admn.),
All India Council for Technical Education,
7th Floor, Chanderlok Building, Janpath
New Delhi – 110001

Latest by 17th December, 2007. Candidates from North Eastern States, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of J& K State, Lahaul & Spiti District and Pangi Sub Division of Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadeep may apply by 24th December, 2007.

3. Forwarding Authority is to ensure that the applications must be accompanied by ACRs for last five years, Integrity Certificate and Vigilance Certificate. In case of photocopies of C.R are sent, these may be attested by an officer not below the rank of Under Secretary of the Government of India.

4. The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall be 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of application.




1. Name of the Post _______________________________________
2. Name in Full (in block letters) _____________________________
3. Father’s / Husband’s Name _______________________________
4. Date of Birth _____________________ Age ________________
5. Nationality ____________________________________________
6. a) Address for correspondence (in block letters)
Pin Code ______________________
Telephone _____________________E-Mail ID_______________
b) Permanent Address (in block letters)
Pin Code _______________

7. Whether you belong to (Please tick) SC____ ST _____ OBC _____PH____ GEN _____
(Attach copy of certificate if you belong to SC , ST, PH or OBC)

8. Educational Qualifications :-
(In chronological order from the Bachelor’s Degree and onwards)

Sl. No Degree / Specialisation University / Institution Division or equivalent Percentage or Marks

9. Professional Training :-
S. No. Organisation Period
From To Particulars of Training

10. Knowledge of working on PC/ work station and Familiarity with software Packages
(Please specify) :

11.Employment Record (details in reverse chronological order, starting with the last job)

S. No. Name & Address
of the Employer Period of service in each post
(Duration in Months)
From To Designation of post held & scale of pay Nature of work and level of responsibilities

12.Publications and Report (Please enclose list under three separate heads : Journals,
Conferences, Reports)


Additional details about present employment, if any.
1. (a) Present Pay Scale ___________________________________________________
(Central Govt. / State Govt. / PSU / Private Enterprises / Others)
(Please delete which are not applicable)
(b) If pay scale has been revised recently, state the date of revision and also the pre-
revised pay scale.
(i) Basic Pay Pre- revised Revised
(ii) Dearness Allowances
(iii) Other Allowances
(please specify) Total _____________________
( c) Basic pay expected Rs. ______________________

2 Please state whether working under :

a) Central Government b) State Government
c) Autonomous Organization d) Government Undertaking
e) Universities f) Private Organisation

3. Member / Fellowship of Professional Society _________________________________

4. Any other information you may wish to furnish ________________________________
(in brief and no annexure be enclosed)

5 .Name and address of 2 persons (not related to you) who are well acquainted with your academic record and professional work for reference :-
1. ___________________________ 2. ______________________________
___________________________ ______________________________



I certify that the foregoing information is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed / distorted. At any time I am found to have concealed / distorted any material information, my appointment shall be liable to be summarily terminated without notice /compensation.

Place _________________
Date _________________



This is to certify that Dr./Sh/Smt……………………………………………….. is working as …………………………………………....from ………………… on *regular/contract/tenure appointment in our *department/institute/organization. The above details given by him/her are verified and found correct as per our records. It is further certified that no vigilance/disciplinary case and departmental enquiry is either pending or contemplated against him/her. The integrity of the officer is also certified. In case of *his/her selection, *he/she will be relieved on *deputation/direct recruitment and *his / her lien *will/will not be retained by this organization.

* Strike out which ever is not applicable.

Signature of the Employer with Office Seal

Date ___________

Place ___________

Note : Attested copies of all the relevant documents must be attached with the


(G.I. Dept. of Per. & Trg. O.M. No.36033/28/94-Estt. (Res.) dated 2.7.1997)

This is to certify that _____________son/daughter of ____________________ of village ________________District/Division belongs to the _________________ community which is recognized as a Backward Class under :-

(Here mention the relevant order)

Shri ____________________ and/or his family ordinarily reside(s) in the ________________District/Division of the ___________ State. This is also to certify that he/she does not belong to the persons/sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in Column 3 of the Schedule to the Government of India, Department of Personnel and Training O.M. No.36012/22/93-Est. (SCT), dated 8.9.1993.

District Magistrate,
Deputy Commissioner, etc.

Dated :

Seal :

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