Sunday, 11 January 2009

Engg Admission at Army Institute

Engg Admission at Army Institute
Jan 4 : Army Institute of Technology (AIT), Dighi Hills, Alandi Road, Pune – 411015, has notified the admissions to the various Engineering courses at the Institute for 2009.
A total of 240 seats are available at AIT with 60 seats each in Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Computer Engineering and Information Technology.
Admission to AIT will be based on the Rank obtained in the All India Engineering Entrance Examination 2009 (AIEEE 2009), to be conducted by the CBSE on 26.4.2009, details of which are available at
Those desirous of applying to AIT should apply and appear for AIEEE 2009 as per the stipulations of AIEEE 2009 and also apply to AIT.
Applicants for admission to AIT should be a child of Serving Army Persons OR Children of Ex-Army personnel granted/awarded regular pension, discharge, release medical board/invalided medical board. This includes children of recruits medically boarded out and granted disability pension, liberalized family pension, family pension or disability pension at the time of their superannuation and demise OR Children of Ex-Army personnel who have taken discharge/release after 10 years of service. Children of those ex Army medical officers / Army Dental medical officers presently serving with Indian Navy or Indian Air Force who have served with the Army for 10 yrs are eligible. Details of eligibility of adopted/step children, APS personnel and MNS/TA personnel are as given in the Prospectus. Applicant should have passed or should have appeared for 10+2 exam, at the time of applying for admission to AIT.
Applicant should have a minimum of 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Age of the applicant must be between 16 to 21 years on 1.7.2009. Applicant must be an Indian citizen or a PIO who obtains Indian citizenship before admission.
AIT Application Form will be open for sale from 20th January 2009 from AIT, Pune as well as from HQ Commands and Army HQ (AWES Branch). Prospectus and Application Form for applying to AIT can be obtained by hand by submitting a Demand Draft for Rs 600/- drawn in favour of Director, AIT payable at Pune or by Post by sending a Demand Draft for Rs 650/- drawn in favour of Director, AIT payable at Pune. The Prospectus can also be downloaded from Down-loaded Application Form should be accompanied by a Demand Draft for Rs 600/- drawn in favour of Director, AIT payable at Pune. The details of Bank Draft should be mentioned clearly in the Application Form.
The AIEEE Roll No must be endorsed on the AIT Application Form before submitting it to AIT. Failure to do so would result in rendering the AIT Application Form null and void.
Last date for submission of completed Application Form is 15th May 2009. It can be submitted along with a late fee of Rs 500/- till 25th May 2009. Counseling at AIT, Pune, will be after one month from the date of declaration of AIEEE Results.
Dates of counseling will be hosted at


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