Sunday, 11 January 2009

AIEEA UG 2009 on April 19

AIEEA UG 2009 on April 19
ICAR AIEEA- UG- 2009 All India Entrance Exam 2009 Notification
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) invites applications, in prescribed form, from Indian Nationals, for its 14th All India Entrance Examination (AIEEA-UG–2009) for admission to fill-up 15% seats in State Agricultural Universities, AAI-DU, Allahabad, CAU, Imphal, NDRI (100% seats) and Central Universities having Agriculture faculty namely BHU, Viswa Bharti and Nagaland University for Bachelor degree programmes (viz. B.Sc./B.Tech./B.F.Sc. etc.) in the subjects ofAgriculture, Horticulture, Agricultural Engineering, Dairy Technology, Biotechnology, Forestry,Food Science, Fisheries Sciences, Home Science, Sericulture, Agricultural Marketing, Banking & Co-operation, and Commercial Agriculture & Business Management.
Important Dates: Receipt of filled in Application Forms (Non-remote areas): On or before 10th March 2009.Receipt of filled in Application Forms from remote areas: On or before 17th March 2009.Purchase of Information Bulletin with Application Forms: 21 January 2009 to 07 March 2009.Date and Venue of Examination: Sunday, the 19th April 2009 (Time: 10.00 – 12.30 hours) at centers/cities stated in the Information Bulletin.Duration of Course: Four Academic Years including Rural Awareness Work Experience Eligibility Criteria: Age: Between 17 and 23 years as on 31st December 2009 (i.e., born during 1.1.1987 to01.01.1993).Educational Qualifications: Candidate must have passed and obtained not less than 50% marks in aggregate (for admission under General, UPS and OBC categories), or 40% marks in aggregate (for admissions under SC, ST and PH Categories) in 10+2 examination with PCM/PCB/PCH/PCMB subject combinations. Candidate having compartment/ supplementary in any subject in 10+2 examination is not eligible for admission. Candidates appearing for 10+2 examination can also apply but shall produce 10+2 pass certificate during Counseling. Pass in English in 10+2 examination is essential for admission in some of the Universities.Sources for purchase of Information Bulletin with Application Form: On Cash payment: From Offices of the Registrars of State Agricultural Universities and from Branches of the Syndicate Bank.Through DD: From four ICAR Institutes, CARI Port Blair, ICAR Res. Complex Goa, NDRI Karnal and NAARM Hyderabad and also from Examination Cell, Education Division, ICAR, KAB-II, New Delhi–110012 (through DD by post only).National Talent Scholarship (NTS) of Rs. 1,000/- per month is awarded to candidates selected through this examination and joining Agricultural University located outside their state of domicile.Question Paper: There will be only one question paper consisting of objective type questions in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (or Agriculture) for “STREAM–A” and Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics for “STREAM–B”. The candidates may choose any Stream according to their eligibility and choice of the subjects. The question paper will be in ENGLISH and HINDI.Reservation: As per Govt. of India norms, 15% seats in all subjects will be reserved for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC), 7.5% for Scheduled Tribes (ST), 3% for Physically Handicapped (PH), and 2% for candidates from Under-Privileged States (UPS). Reservation for OBC in four Central Universities (NDRI, CAU, BHU and Viswa Bharti) will be as per Government of India directives/ University rules.


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