Sunday, 11 January 2009

NIAMAT 2009 – PGD in Agri Business Management Selection Test of NIAM

NIAMAT 2009 – PGD in Agri Business Management Selection Test of NIAM
National Institute of Agricultural Marketing announces admissions to the 9th batch of AICTE approved two year full-time residential Post Graduate Diploma Programme In Agri-business Management (PGDABM). ELIGIBILITY: The minimum Qualification for admission into the programmes is a FOUR YEAR bachelor’s degree with atleast second division or equivalent OGPA in1. Agriculture or allied subjects,2. Veterinary Science3. Dairy Technology,4. Food Technologyfrom any Agricultural University or Institution recognized by the ICAR / UGC.
The students who are going to complete their degree by July -August 2009 are also eligible to apply,provided they produce warranty letter from the concerned institute.ADMISSION TEST: The admission test (NIAMAT) will be conducted at notified centres on 22nd February 2009 (Sunday). SELECTION: The short-listed candidates based on marks obtained in admission test will be invited for final selection at NIAM for the events of Group Discussion and Personal Interview etc.FEES: The tuition fee for entire course is Rs 2,50,000/- besides this Rs. 2,00,000/- would be charged against boarding & lodging, library and computer fee for two years (NIAM facilitates the study loan)HOW TO APPLY: Interested candidates may log on to NIAM website or for further details and for submission of online application. Before commencement of online registration the candidates are required to possess a non- refundable crossed Demand Draft of Rs. 1000/- for General & OBC candidates (Rs. 500/- for SC/ST/PH candidates) drawn infavour of Director General, NIAM, Jaipur payable at Jaipur.Print version of the online application form along with the testimonials should be sentto DIRECTOR GENERAL-NIAM, P.O. BOX NO. 3076, LODHI ROAD, NEW DELHI-110 003on or before 27 January 2009 by 17.00 hrs.Date of opening online registration: 05 January 2009Date of closing online registration : 22 January 2009Contact: National Institute of Agricultural Marketing(An Organisation of Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India)Kota Road, Bambala, Sanganer, Jaipur-302033, RajasthanPh: 01412795104,140,141,142,143 fax: 0141-2771858, 2770595


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