Saturday, 14 February 2009


Employment News issue dated 14.02.09 contains details of several vacancies and exams from some of the leading PSU/GOVT. Departments.

Central Bank of India invites applications for appointment of 850 Clerical Cadre posts.

Union Public Service Commission notifies Indian Forest Service Examination, 2009.

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited requires 156 Tech. Trainee, Diploma Trainees Etc.

High Court of Delhi requires Sr. Personal Assistants and personal Assistants.

Institute of Lever and Biliary Sciences require Professors, Additional Professors, Managers, Dy. Managers, Jr.

Technical Executives etc. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited requires Information Systems and Legal Officers.

Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Ltd. require Office Assistants.

Employees State Insurance Corporation, Raipur needs LDCs and Peons. Indian Oil Corporation Limited, R & D Centre, Faridabad requires Research Officers.

Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission requires Directors, Pvt. Secretary, P.A. etc.

Union Public Service Commission invites applications for various posts. RRB, Allahabad declares the result of written examination held on 13.07.2008 for the post of Asst Station Master and written examination held on 12.10.2008 for the post of Sr. Clerk.

Indian Rare Earths Limited invites applications for the posts of General Manager, Dy. General Manager, Sr. Manager etc.

Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar needs Professor, Director, Librarian, Reader etc.

Coal India Limited invites applications for the posts of General Manager, Dy. Chief Manager, Pilots etc.

Indian Institute of Vegetable Research needs Subject Matter Specialist, Farm Manager, Programme Assistant etc.

Ministry of Labour & Employment offers admission to Advanced Diploma Course in Industrial Safety, 2009-2010.


Sunday, 11 January 2009

AIIMS MBBS Entrance 2009

AIIMS MBBS Entrance 2009 - Notification
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) conducts an All India Entrance Examination (AIIMS MBBS Entrance Test 2009) for admission to MBBS Course of AIIMS commencing on 1st August, 2009.Eligibility: Age: The candidate should have attained the age of 17 (seventeen) years as on 31st December, 2009QualificationA pass in 12th Standard or equivalent with a minimum of 60% marks (50% for SC/ ST/ Orthopaedic Physically Handicapped candidates) in aggregate in Physics, Chemistry, Biology & English
Final year students of Class XII whose results are likely to be declared by 7th July, 2009 are eligible to apply How to Apply? The Prospectus-cum-Application Form costing Rs. 1000/- (Rs. 800/- in case of SC/ST candidates) inclusive of examination fee can be obtained in the following manner : A. Against cash payment from any of the following branches of Stale Bank of India between 15.01.2009 to 21.02.2009 :ANDHRA PRADESH: Usman Ganj, M.J. Road, Hyderabad; Main Branch, Visakhapatnam ARUNACHAL PRADESH: Bank Tinali, Itanagar ASSAM: Dist. Kamrup, Guwahati BIHAR: Main Branch, West Gandhi Maidan, Patna CHANDHIGARH: Sector-14, Punjab University CHATTISGARH: Kutchery, Raipur Branch DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI: Silvassa DELHI: Ansari Hagar, AIIMS Campus; Ring Road, Lajpat Nagar; Swasthya Vihar; Tilak Nagar; Delhi University; 11, Parliament Street; I.T.O., I.P. Estate GOA: Opposite Hotel Mandovi,Panaji GUJARAT: Gujarat University, Ahmedabad; Mandvi, Baroda HIMACHAL PRADESH: The Mall, Shimla JAMMU & KASHMIR: Hari Market, Jammu; Main Branch, Srinagar JHARKHAND: S.N. Ganguly Road, Main Road, Bangaluru KERALA: Main Branch, M.G. Road, Thiruvananthapuram; Calvethy, Cochin; K.K. Road, Kottayam; Dharmodayam Building, Trichur. MADHYA PRADESH: Sultania Road, Bhopal; G.R. Medical College Branch, JAH Campus, Gwalior; Medical College Branch, Jabalpur; Chhavani, Indore. MAHARASHTRA: Cuffe Parade, Colaba, Mumbai; I.I.T., Powai, Mumbai; Main Branch, Pune; Medical College Branch, Nagpur; Dhamangaon Road, Yavatmal. MANIPUR: M.G. Avenue, Imphal MEGHALAYA: M.G. Road, Shillong MIZORAM: Solomon’s Cave, Aizawl NAGALAND: Kohima ORISSA: Main Branch, Bhubaneshwar; Collectorate Compund, Cuttack. PUDUCHERRY: Rue Suffren, Puducherry PUNJAB: Town Hall, Amristsar; Civil Lines, Ludhiana RAJASTHAN: Tonk Road, Jaipur; High Court Campus, Jodhpur SIKKIM: M.G. Road, Gangtok TAMIL NADU: Main Branch, Chennai; Madras University, Chennai; Adyar-4, Guindy Road, Chennai; Luz Church Road, Mylapure, Chennai; West Veli Street Madurai; State Bank Road, Coimbatore TRIPURA: Melarmath, H.G.B. Road, Agartala UTTRAKHAND: Convent Road, Dehradun. UTTAR PRADESH: Sector-2, Noida; Navyug Market, Ghaziabad; Motimahal Marg, Lucknow; C.S.A. University, Kanpur; B.H.U., Varanasi WEST BENGAL: Park Street, Kolkata; Kalighat, S.P.M. Road, Kolkata.By Post : The Prospectus - cum-Application Form can also be obtained by Speed Post /Registered Post by sending a written request with an account payee Bank Draft for Rs.1050/- (Rs. 850/- in case of SC/ST candidates) in favour of “M.B.B.S. Entrance Examination-2009” payable at New Delhi. The Bank Draft should be valid up to July/August 2009. The request must reach the Assistant Controller of Examination, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi- 110 608 on or before 21.02.2009. Money Order /Cheque/Postal Order/ Cash or any other form of payment will NOT be accepted for postal sale. The words 'REQUEST FOR APPLICATION FORM FOR M.B.B.S. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION 2009' should be written on the envelope containing request for application form, and also on top of the request letter. The address at which Application Form is required should be written clearly in CAPITAL LETTERS and with PIN code. AIIMS will not be responsible for delay in / non-receipt of Application Form caused by illegible or incomplete address. Important Dates 1. Last date for sale of form From SBI branches and by Post (except AIIMS Campus, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi): 21.02.2009 2. Last date for sale of form From SBI Branch Ansari Nagar, New Delhi: 27.02.2009 3. Date of exam: June, 1, 2009

NIAMAT 2009 – PGD in Agri Business Management Selection Test of NIAM

NIAMAT 2009 – PGD in Agri Business Management Selection Test of NIAM
National Institute of Agricultural Marketing announces admissions to the 9th batch of AICTE approved two year full-time residential Post Graduate Diploma Programme In Agri-business Management (PGDABM). ELIGIBILITY: The minimum Qualification for admission into the programmes is a FOUR YEAR bachelor’s degree with atleast second division or equivalent OGPA in1. Agriculture or allied subjects,2. Veterinary Science3. Dairy Technology,4. Food Technologyfrom any Agricultural University or Institution recognized by the ICAR / UGC.
The students who are going to complete their degree by July -August 2009 are also eligible to apply,provided they produce warranty letter from the concerned institute.ADMISSION TEST: The admission test (NIAMAT) will be conducted at notified centres on 22nd February 2009 (Sunday). SELECTION: The short-listed candidates based on marks obtained in admission test will be invited for final selection at NIAM for the events of Group Discussion and Personal Interview etc.FEES: The tuition fee for entire course is Rs 2,50,000/- besides this Rs. 2,00,000/- would be charged against boarding & lodging, library and computer fee for two years (NIAM facilitates the study loan)HOW TO APPLY: Interested candidates may log on to NIAM website or for further details and for submission of online application. Before commencement of online registration the candidates are required to possess a non- refundable crossed Demand Draft of Rs. 1000/- for General & OBC candidates (Rs. 500/- for SC/ST/PH candidates) drawn infavour of Director General, NIAM, Jaipur payable at Jaipur.Print version of the online application form along with the testimonials should be sentto DIRECTOR GENERAL-NIAM, P.O. BOX NO. 3076, LODHI ROAD, NEW DELHI-110 003on or before 27 January 2009 by 17.00 hrs.Date of opening online registration: 05 January 2009Date of closing online registration : 22 January 2009Contact: National Institute of Agricultural Marketing(An Organisation of Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India)Kota Road, Bambala, Sanganer, Jaipur-302033, RajasthanPh: 01412795104,140,141,142,143 fax: 0141-2771858, 2770595

AIEEA UG 2009 on April 19

AIEEA UG 2009 on April 19
ICAR AIEEA- UG- 2009 All India Entrance Exam 2009 Notification
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) invites applications, in prescribed form, from Indian Nationals, for its 14th All India Entrance Examination (AIEEA-UG–2009) for admission to fill-up 15% seats in State Agricultural Universities, AAI-DU, Allahabad, CAU, Imphal, NDRI (100% seats) and Central Universities having Agriculture faculty namely BHU, Viswa Bharti and Nagaland University for Bachelor degree programmes (viz. B.Sc./B.Tech./B.F.Sc. etc.) in the subjects ofAgriculture, Horticulture, Agricultural Engineering, Dairy Technology, Biotechnology, Forestry,Food Science, Fisheries Sciences, Home Science, Sericulture, Agricultural Marketing, Banking & Co-operation, and Commercial Agriculture & Business Management.
Important Dates: Receipt of filled in Application Forms (Non-remote areas): On or before 10th March 2009.Receipt of filled in Application Forms from remote areas: On or before 17th March 2009.Purchase of Information Bulletin with Application Forms: 21 January 2009 to 07 March 2009.Date and Venue of Examination: Sunday, the 19th April 2009 (Time: 10.00 – 12.30 hours) at centers/cities stated in the Information Bulletin.Duration of Course: Four Academic Years including Rural Awareness Work Experience Eligibility Criteria: Age: Between 17 and 23 years as on 31st December 2009 (i.e., born during 1.1.1987 to01.01.1993).Educational Qualifications: Candidate must have passed and obtained not less than 50% marks in aggregate (for admission under General, UPS and OBC categories), or 40% marks in aggregate (for admissions under SC, ST and PH Categories) in 10+2 examination with PCM/PCB/PCH/PCMB subject combinations. Candidate having compartment/ supplementary in any subject in 10+2 examination is not eligible for admission. Candidates appearing for 10+2 examination can also apply but shall produce 10+2 pass certificate during Counseling. Pass in English in 10+2 examination is essential for admission in some of the Universities.Sources for purchase of Information Bulletin with Application Form: On Cash payment: From Offices of the Registrars of State Agricultural Universities and from Branches of the Syndicate Bank.Through DD: From four ICAR Institutes, CARI Port Blair, ICAR Res. Complex Goa, NDRI Karnal and NAARM Hyderabad and also from Examination Cell, Education Division, ICAR, KAB-II, New Delhi–110012 (through DD by post only).National Talent Scholarship (NTS) of Rs. 1,000/- per month is awarded to candidates selected through this examination and joining Agricultural University located outside their state of domicile.Question Paper: There will be only one question paper consisting of objective type questions in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (or Agriculture) for “STREAM–A” and Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics for “STREAM–B”. The candidates may choose any Stream according to their eligibility and choice of the subjects. The question paper will be in ENGLISH and HINDI.Reservation: As per Govt. of India norms, 15% seats in all subjects will be reserved for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC), 7.5% for Scheduled Tribes (ST), 3% for Physically Handicapped (PH), and 2% for candidates from Under-Privileged States (UPS). Reservation for OBC in four Central Universities (NDRI, CAU, BHU and Viswa Bharti) will be as per Government of India directives/ University rules.

Engg Admission at Army Institute

Engg Admission at Army Institute
Jan 4 : Army Institute of Technology (AIT), Dighi Hills, Alandi Road, Pune – 411015, has notified the admissions to the various Engineering courses at the Institute for 2009.
A total of 240 seats are available at AIT with 60 seats each in Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Computer Engineering and Information Technology.
Admission to AIT will be based on the Rank obtained in the All India Engineering Entrance Examination 2009 (AIEEE 2009), to be conducted by the CBSE on 26.4.2009, details of which are available at
Those desirous of applying to AIT should apply and appear for AIEEE 2009 as per the stipulations of AIEEE 2009 and also apply to AIT.
Applicants for admission to AIT should be a child of Serving Army Persons OR Children of Ex-Army personnel granted/awarded regular pension, discharge, release medical board/invalided medical board. This includes children of recruits medically boarded out and granted disability pension, liberalized family pension, family pension or disability pension at the time of their superannuation and demise OR Children of Ex-Army personnel who have taken discharge/release after 10 years of service. Children of those ex Army medical officers / Army Dental medical officers presently serving with Indian Navy or Indian Air Force who have served with the Army for 10 yrs are eligible. Details of eligibility of adopted/step children, APS personnel and MNS/TA personnel are as given in the Prospectus. Applicant should have passed or should have appeared for 10+2 exam, at the time of applying for admission to AIT.
Applicant should have a minimum of 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Age of the applicant must be between 16 to 21 years on 1.7.2009. Applicant must be an Indian citizen or a PIO who obtains Indian citizenship before admission.
AIT Application Form will be open for sale from 20th January 2009 from AIT, Pune as well as from HQ Commands and Army HQ (AWES Branch). Prospectus and Application Form for applying to AIT can be obtained by hand by submitting a Demand Draft for Rs 600/- drawn in favour of Director, AIT payable at Pune or by Post by sending a Demand Draft for Rs 650/- drawn in favour of Director, AIT payable at Pune. The Prospectus can also be downloaded from Down-loaded Application Form should be accompanied by a Demand Draft for Rs 600/- drawn in favour of Director, AIT payable at Pune. The details of Bank Draft should be mentioned clearly in the Application Form.
The AIEEE Roll No must be endorsed on the AIT Application Form before submitting it to AIT. Failure to do so would result in rendering the AIT Application Form null and void.
Last date for submission of completed Application Form is 15th May 2009. It can be submitted along with a late fee of Rs 500/- till 25th May 2009. Counseling at AIT, Pune, will be after one month from the date of declaration of AIEEE Results.
Dates of counseling will be hosted at

ICPR Fellowships

ICPR Fellowships

Jan 3 : The Council of Philosophical Research , New Delhi has invited application for awarding Senior Fellowship, General Fellowship, Junior Fellowship and Short Terms Project Residential Fellowship.

For getting application forms and Fellowship details, send a letter along with a DD for Rs. 50/- drawn in favour of ICPR, New Delhi and payable at New Delhi to the Director (Academic), Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Darsan Bhavan, 36 Thuklakabad, Institutional Area, AB Road, New Delhi – 110062.

Application form and other details can also be downloaded from the website

Last date of receipt completed application is 2nd March 2009.

For more details visit

NCERT Doctoral Fellowships

NCERT Doctoral Fellowships
Jan 3 : National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has invited applications for the award of 10 NCERT Doctoral Fellowships in the field of education and other disciplines directly related to education.
The fellowships are intended for young aspirants to pursue doctoral work in a recognized University/ Research Institution of their choice.
Young scholars from different disciplinary perspectives will be encouraged to enter and research the field of education.
Fellowships will be given in the following priority areas (i) Education of the Disadvantaged (ii) Classroom Processes and Practices (iii) Curricular Areas (iv) Education for Peace (v) Psycho-social Development of Children.
Applicant should have a good academic record with at least 55% marks at the Master’s Degree level and should not be more than 35 years of age as on the last date of receipt of applications. Candidates registered for Ph.D. Degree in a recognized University/ or working toward their Ph.D. registration are eligible to apply.
Applicants will be short listed as per the procedure designed by NCERT. Short listed candidates will be required to appear for an interview, which may also include presentation of the proposals.
Candidates will be paid second (sleeper) class train fare by the shortest route for attending the interview-cum-seminar.
The statutory provisions for reservation of seats will be available to the candidates belonging to different categories.
NCERT Doctoral Fellows will receive a fellowship of Rs. 10,000/- per month (equivalent to UGC Junior Research Fellows) for a maximum period of three years during the period of registration.
They will also receive a contingency grant of Rs. 10,000/- per annum during this period. The fellowship will commence from the date of joining by the candidate after completing the registration formalities for Ph.D. and will terminate at the end of three years from the date of joining or with the submission of the doctoral thesis which ever is earlier.
Details related to the appointment of a Research Advisor for each Doctoral Fellow, Monitoring of Work, Leave Rules etc are given in the Information Brochure available at
After the award of Ph.D. Degree, the Doctoral Fellows will be required to submit a copy of the thesis (along with a CD) to NCERT. NCERT will consider publication of the completed research in an appropriate form. The Fellow can apply for permission to publish his/her work elsewhere.
Application should be made in the prescribed format, which along with the Information Brochure is available at or can be obtained by post.
Completed application forms should be accompanied by a concept paper of about 1500 words on the theme of the proposed research, which should contain statements about (a) rationale and objectives of the study (b) conceptual framework (c) proposed methodology and (d) potential contribution of the study.
Attested copies of all mark sheets/certificates and proof of Ph.D. registration (if already registered) should also be sent with the application to Head, Department of Educational Research and Policy Perspectives, National Council of Educational Research and Training, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi – 110 016 to reach there latest by 16th February 2009.
For details, visit