Thursday, 1 May 2008

The English and Foreign Languages University

The English and Foreign Languages University
Date of Issue: Saturday, April 26, 2008
Courses offered:
ADMISSION NOTICE: 2008-09: The following Under-Graduate, Post-Graduate and Research Programmes will be offered during 2008 – 2009: A ) HYDERABAD CAMPUS PROGRAMMES (ENGLISH) 01. 5-Year Integrated MA English (3-yr. BA (Hons) + 2-yr. MA) (6+4 semesters) 02. 5-Year Integrated MA Mass Communication and Journalism (MCJ) (3-yr. BA (Hons) + 2-yr. MA) (6+4 semesters) For 01 & 02 Eligibility: Pass in +2 / Intermediate 01. MA English (specialization in) Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)/ Media and Communication/ Linguistics/ English Literature/ Literary & Cultural Studies. (4 semesters) 02. MA: Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)/ Linguistics/ English Literature/ Literary & Cultural Studies. (4 semesters) 03. Post-Graduate Diploma in the Teaching of English (PGDTE) (2 semesters) 04. M. Phil. in English Language Education/ English Literature / Linguistics & Phonetics (2 semesters) 05. Ph.D. in English Language Education/ English Literature/ Linguistics & Phonetics (Face-to-face : 6 semesters), Distance Mode (4 years) 06. B. Ed. (English) Self-Financing Course (2 semesters) B) HYDERABAD CAMPUS - PROGRAMMES (FOREIGN LANGUAGES) 01. 5-Year Integrated MA: Arabic/ French/ German/ Russian/ Spanish (3-yr. BA (Hons) + 2-yr. MA) (6+4 semesters) Eligibility: Pass in +2 / Intermediate 02. MA: Arabic/ French (4 semesters) 03. Post-Graduate Diploma in the Teaching of Arabic (PGDTA) (2 semesters) 04. M. Phil.: Arabic/ French/ German/ Russian (2 semesters) 05. Ph.D.: Arabic/ French/ German/ Russian (6 semesters) 06. M. Phil. (Distance Mode): Russian (6 semesters) 07. Ph.D. (Distance Mode): Russian (10 semesters) 08. 1-Year Intensive Advanced Diploma in Russian (2 semesters) Eligibility: Pass in +2 / Intermediate ** C) LUCKNOW CAMPUS PROGRAMMES 1. 5-Year Integrated MA English (3-yr. BA (Hons) + 2-yr. MA) (6+4 semesters) Eligibility: Pass in +2 / Intermediate 2. MA English (4 semesters) 3. Post-Graduate Diploma in the Teaching of English (PGDTE) (2 semesters) 4. M. Phil. in English (Linguistics & Phonetics) (2 semesters) 5. Ph. D. in English (Linguistics & Phonetics) (6 semesters) D) NORTH-EAST CAMPUS, SHILLONG PROGRAMMES 1. Certificate Course in German (2 semesters) * 2. Diploma in Mass Communication (2 semesters) * 3. 5-Year Integrated MA English (3-yr. BA (Hons) + 2-yr. MA) (6+4 semesters) Eligibility: Pass in +2 / Intermediate 4. Post-Graduate Diploma in the Teaching of English (PGDTE) (2 semesters) 5. Ph. D. in English Literature (6 semesters)

Application procedure:
For programmes marked *contact: The Director, EFL University (North-East Campus), NEHU Permanent Complex, Umshing-Mawkynroh, SHILLONG – 793022. For all other programmes application forms can be obtained from 1-5-2008 onwards from Publications Unit, EFL University, Hyderabad – 500 605 on payment of Rs. 500/- (Rs. 250/- for SC/ST/ Visually- and Physically-challenged on production of proof) in cash or in the form of a Demand Draft (DD) drawn in favour of Registrar, EFL University, payable at Hyderabad. For B. Ed. DD in favour of Programme Coordinator, B. Ed. English. Write “Request for Application” on envelope and specify Programme of study. Application Forms, Admit Pass and Model Papers can be downloaded from the EFL-U website. When submitting downloaded application forms enclose DD for Rs. 500/- (or Rs. 250/- for SC/ST/Visually- and Physically-challenged). Candidates applying for more than one programme may obtain additional forms by paying Rs. 50/- for each additional form (non-transferable).

Email :

Further details can be taken from:
Website: Tel: 040-27098131, 27090164


Last date of submission of Forms:
20 May 2008

Date of Entrance Test :
15 June 2008

Exam Centres :
Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Calicut, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kochi, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Nagpur, Patna, Pune, Shillong, Udaipur.


Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning

Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning
Date of Issue: Monday, April 21, 2008
Courses offered:
Two Year Postgraduate Programs: Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (PGDBA) Post Graduate Diploma in International Business (PGDIB) Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (PGDHRM) Post Graduate Diploma in Information Technology (PGDIT) Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Administration (PGDEA) One Year & Six Months Programs: Post Graduate Diploma in Insurance Management (PGDIM) Post Graduate Diploma in Retail Management (PGDRM) Post Graduate Diploma in Customer Relationship Management (PGDCRM) Post Graduate Diploma in Instructional Design (PGDID) Post Graduate Diploma in Supply Chain Management (PGDSCM) Certificate Program in Entrepreneurship Development & Management (CPED) (6 months) Post Graduate Diploma in Pre Primary Teacher's Training (PGDPTT) Advanced Diploma in Creative Writing in English (ADCW) (Postgraduate) Diploma in Creative Writing in English (DCW) (for age group 16 years and above or 12th Std pass)

Application procedure:
Prospectus and Application Form are available at the SCDL office and select AXIS Bank branches mentioned on payment of Rs. 900/- by cash or by Demand Draft of Rs. 1100/- in favour of "The Director, SCDL," payable at Pune, (India)" for receipt by post or courier within India, or US $ 75 for receipt outside India.

Email :

Further details can be taken from:
Tel: 020 - 66211000 Fax: 020 - 66211040 Website:

Symbiosis Bhavan, 1065 B, Gokhale Cross Road, Model Colony, Pune - 411 016


Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute,

Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute,
Date of Issue: Thursday, April 24, 2008
Courses offered:
Applications are invited form candidates for admission into Three Year Post Graduate Diploma Courses (Full Time) for the session 2008 – 09 in the following disciplines: - 1. Direction & Screenplay 2. Cinematography 3. Editing 4. Audiography

For Sr. No. 1 to 3: Graduate in any discipline from a recognised university or equivalent For Sr. No.4 : Graduate in any discipline from a recognised university or equivalent with Physics as one of the subjects at 10+2 level

Application procedure:
Prospectus containing Application Forms and other details may be obtained by post on written request, accompanied by a processing fee by Crossed Demand Draft of Rs. 1,200/- (Rs. 700/- for SC/ST candidates on submission of valid certificate) in favour of "Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute, Kolkata" payable at Kolkata. Application Forms can be downloaded from the website and submitted in print copy along with due processing fee in Demand Draft. The Prospectus may also be obtained personally from the Institute on any working day between 11 am - 4 pm between 19-05-2008 to 28-06-2008 against due payment of processing fee in Demand Draft or cash.

Email :

Further details can be taken from:
Tel: (033)2432 -8355 /8356 /9300 Fax: (033)2432 -0723 /2072 Website:

E.M. By-Pass Road, P.O.: Panchasayar, KolKata - 700094

Last date of submission of Forms:

Date of Entrance Test :
03.08.2008 (Sunday)

Exam Centres :
Kolkata, New Delhi , Mumbai, Chennai, Guwahati, Patna, Agartala, Lucknow, Ranchi, Port Blair, Bangaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar , Thlruvananthapuram, Hyderabad, Imphal, Raipur


National School of Drama

National School of Drama
Date of Issue: Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Courses offered:
National School of Drama, invites applications for admission to Three Year Diploma Course (full time - residential) in Dramatic Arts.

Essential Qualifications: 1. Graduate in any subject from a recognised University in India. 2. Participation in at least 6 productions. 3. Working knowledge of Hindi & English. AGE LIMIT: As on 1.7.2008 Minimum 20 years Maximum 30 years. The upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC / ST candidates only. The applicants who have been applying for the last 3 years but could not qualify in the preliminary interview need not apply. However the applicants who qualified in the preliminary interview but could not clear the final interview during the last 2 years may apply.

Application procedure:
For application form and prospectus in English & Hindi (bi-lingual), please write to Assistant Registrar (Academic), National School of Drama, Bahawalpur House, Bhagwandas Road, New Delhi -1 with a crossed Demand Draft / Pay Order, payable at Delhi, of Rs. 225 (Rupees two hundred twenty five only i.e. Rs.150 for prospectus and Rs.75 for postal charges) in favour of the Director, National School of Drama, New Delhi latest by 31.3.2008. Application form & prospectus will also be available from the Book Shop of National School of Drama from 10.3.2008 to 20.4.2008 on payment of cash Rs.150/-, between 10.00 A.M. to 1.00 P.M. & 2.00 P.M. to 4.00 P.M.

Email : ,

Further details can be taken from:
Phone: +9111 - 23382821 Website:

Bahawalpur House, Bhagwandas Road, New Delhi- 110001

Last date of submission of Forms:

Selection :
The Expert Committee constituted by the School will assess the aptitude and talent of the candidates & its decision will be final. Any CANVASSING in this regard will be treated as a disqualification. Centres For Preliminary Test: A preliminary test will be conducted at five centres i.e. Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore, Mumbai & Guwahati. The candidates qualifying in this test will have to attend a workshop of 4 / 5 days in the School premises for their final selection for which they will be paid D A. and II class train /bus fare from the place of their residence to Delhi & back by the shortest route, on submission of ticket / cash receipt and will also be provided accommodation on modest sharing basis.


National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK)

National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK)
Date of Issue: Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Courses offered:
Admission to M.Tech/M.Tech (Research)/M.Sc./Ph.D. Programmes 2008-2009: A. M.Tech PROGRAMMES: 1. Civil Engg. * Structural Engg. * Geotechnical Engg. *Environmental Engg (On self financing basis) * Transportation Systems Engg. (On self financing basis) * Construction Technology and Management (On self financing basis) 2. Applied Mechanics & Hydraulics * Marine Structures * Water Resources Engineering and Management, *Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (On self financing basis). 3. Mechanical Engg. * Thermal Engineering * Manufacturing Engineering, *Mechatronics (On self financing basis) 4. Electrical & Electronics * Power and Energy Systems 5. Electronics & Communication * VLSI Design * Communication Engineering 6. Chemical Engg. * Chemical Plant Design * Industrial Pollution Control * Industrial Biotechnology (On self financing basis) 7. Mallurgical & Materials Engg * Process Metallurgy* Materials Engg. 8. Computer Engg. * Computer Science & Engg * Computer Science and Engineering - Information Security 9. Mining Engg. * Rock Mechanics & Ground Control ( On Self- financing basis) 10. Mathematical & Computational Science * Systems Analysis & Computer Applications • M.Tech (Research) Degree programmes are offered in all the M.Tech specializations mentioned above. B. M.Sc. PROGRAMME: a) M.Sc. in Chemistry ( Two years – four Semester) (On self financing basis) b) M.Sc. in Physics ( Two years – four Semester) (On self financing basis) C. Ph.D. PROGRAMME: Specializations in Ph.D. Programme are listed below: 1. Civil Engineering 2. Applied Mechanics & - Hydraulics 3. Mechanical Engg. 4. Electrical Engineering 5. Electronics & Commn. 6. Chemical Engineering 7. Metallurgical & Material Engineering 8. Mining Engg. .9. Physics 10. Chemistry 11. Humanities, Social Sciences & Management 12. Mathematics & Computational Sciences 13. Information Technology 14. Computer Engg

For M.Tech. / M.Tech (Research) Programme Admission to a M.Tech. / M.Tech (Research) Programme shall be open to candidates who have passed the prescribed qualifying Examination with a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 5.5 in the 0-10 scale grading system, or not less than 55% of marks in the aggregate (taking into account the marks scored in all the subjects of all the public/university examinations conducted during the entire prescribed period for the degree programme). However, this prescribed minimum shall be a CGPA of 5.0 or 50% marks in the aggregate for SC/ST candidates. For M.Sc. in Chemistry: A Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry with a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 6.0 in the 0-10 scale grading system, or not less than 60% of marks in the aggregate (in all the years of course of study in respective subjects).However, this prescribed minimum shall be CGPA of 5.5 or 55% marks in the aggregate for SC/ST candidates. For M.Sc. in Physics: A Bachelor’s Degree in Physics with a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 6.0 in the 0-10 scale grading system, or not less than 60% of marks in the aggregate (in all the years of course of study in respective subjects).However, this prescribed minimum shall be CGPA of 5.5 or 55% marks in the aggregate for SC/ST candidates For Ph.D.: Admission to a Ph.D. Programme shall be open to candidates who have passed the prescribed qualifying examination with a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 5.5 in the 0-10 scale grading system, or not less than 55% marks in the aggregate (taking into account the marks scored in all the subjects of all the public/university examinations conducted during the entire prescribed period for the degree programme). However, this prescribed minimum shall be a CGPA of 5.0 or 50% marks in the aggregate for SC/ST candidates. The prescribed qualifying examination is as follows: a. for Ph.D. in Engineering/Technology – Master’s degree in relevant field. b. for Ph.D. in Science /Humanities, Social Sciences & Management – Master’s degree in relevant field. Employed professionals having experience and proven competence aspiring for Ph.D. Programme will be considered under part-time scheme and will be allowed to pursue their research at their own location of work.

Application procedure:
Application form and other information can also be downloaded from NITK Website from 09.04.2008 and sent to the Dy. Registrar (Academic) NITK. along with necessary D.D. Rs.500/- (in case of SC/ST Rs.150/-) drawn in favour of the Director, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, Srinivasnagar, payable at State Bank of India/Canara Bank, at Surathkal. Application without the D.D for the required amount, will not be considered.

Email :

Further details can be taken from:
Ph: 0824-2474000 - 2474023 Fax: 91-824-2474033 Website:

Surathkal, Mangalore-575025, Karnataka State

Last date of submission of Forms:
12.05.08 (Mon)

Date of Entrance Test :
Selection Test and/or Interview: 9th ,10th ,11Th June 2008


National Institute of Technology Calicut (NITC)

National Institute of Technology Calicut (NITC)
Date of Issue: Sunday, April 27, 2008
Courses offered:
Admission to M.Tech / M.Sc(Tech) Programmes 2008-09 in the following disciplines: For M.Tech.: Civil Engg. Computer Science & Engg. Electrical & Electronics Engg. Electronics & Communication Engg. Mechanical Engg. M.Sc (Tech.) Programmes Offered in: Mathematics (Mathematics & Scientific Computing) Science & Humanities (Photonics / Polymer Science & Technology)

For M.Tech.: Candidates for admission to M.Tech Degree Programme shall be required to have passed the four-year regular full time B.E./B.Tech. Degree with 60% marks (CGPA 6.5/10) in aggregate in the qualifying examination together with valid GATE* SCORE and for SC/ST candidates 50% marks (CGPA 5.5/10) in aggregate with valid GATE SCORE in the Discipline/Branch given below. Candidates under lateral entry should have passed the three year diploma in engineering with first class and SC/ST candidate with second class. Final semester students with a valid GATE score can also apply provided their final marks are made available within three months from date of joining. Such candidates may be considered for provisional admission. However, these candidates must have successfully passed with 60% mark in one to six semesters of B.Tech/BE or three years of Engineering studies on the date of application and the application must include attested copies of the mark lists and course completion certificate from the Head of the Institution last attended in the prescribed format. Any candidate admitted provisionally, subject to his/her producing provisional certificate and mark lists as proof of having satisfied the eligibility criteria, shall have to discontinue the course, if he/she does not produce the provisional certificate and mark lists within three months of date of joining. Such candidates will not be eligible for any refund of fees paid by him/her. Provisional admission is not applicable to candidates who have failed in the qualifying examination and subsequently appeared for the supplementary examination. Part time degree holders are not eligible for admission. For M.Sc (Tech.) Integrated M.Sc(Tech.) Degree Programme in ‘Mathematics and Scientific Computing’ leading to Ph.D. degree in Mathematics: B.Sc. Degree in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics / B.Tech. Degree (any discipline) with first class or minimum 60% marks (CGPA 6.5/10). [For SC/ST candidates 50% (CGPA 5.5 /10)] M.Sc.(Tech.) - Photonics: Bachelor's degree with Physics main and Mathematics subsidiary OR Bachelor’s degree through Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics three main system, with 60% marks (6.5/10CGPA). [For SC/ST candidates 50% (CGPA 5.5 /10)] M.Sc.(Tech.) - Polymer Science & Technology: Bachelor's degree with Chemistry main and Mathematics subsidiary OR Bachelor’s degree through Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics three main system, with 60% marks (6.5/10CGPA). [For SC/ST candidates 50% (CGPA 5.5 /10)]

Application procedure:
1. Use only the appropriate Application Forms downloaded from NITC Website. 2. Candidates applying for admission to different programmes will have to write the corresponding codes in the appropriate columns in the Application Form. 3. A passport size photograph taken not earlier than 3 months is to be affixed on the Application Form. The photo in the application should be self-attested. Additional six copies of the same photograph and one stamp size photograph should be produced at the time of counseling/admission. 4. Demand Draft towards application fee (Rs. 600/- for Open candidates, Rs. 300/- for SC/ST candidates and Rs. 2000/- for sons & daughters of NRIs drawn in favour of Director, NIT Calicut payable at State Bank of India, NIT Calicut Branch (Code No. 2207) is to be enclosed. 5. Self addressed post card with stamp for Rs. 6/- Applications with all the above enclosures should be sent by Registered Post/ Speed Post so as to reach the Chairperson – PG Admissions, National Institute of Technology Calicut, NIT Campus PO, Calicut - 673 601, Kerala

Email :

Further details can be taken from:
Tel: 0495-2286118,2286119 Website:

NIT Campus Post, Calicut, Kerala - 673 601, India

Last date of submission of Forms:


National Institute of Technology - Trichi

National Institute of Technology - Trichi
Date of Issue: Thursday, May 01, 2008
Courses offered:
Applications are invited for admission to M.Tech./ M.Sc. / M.S. / Ph.D. programmes 2008 – 09 M.Tech. Programmes : 2008 – 09: * Transportation Engg. and Management * Structural Engg. * Environmental Engg. * Thermal Power Engineering * Industrial Safety Engineering * Manufacturing Technology * Industrial Engineering * Power Systems * Power Electronics * Communication Systems * VLSI System * Computer Science * Welding Engineering * Materials Science * Process control and Instrumentation * Plant Design * Energy Engineering * Non-Destructive Testing. M.Sc. Programmes : 2008 – 09: * Operations Research & Computer Applications * Applied Chemistry * Applied Physics M.S. / Ph.D. Programmes : 2008 – 09: Ph.D. Programmes under Full-Time and Part-Time in all Departments of the Institute and M.S. (By Research) Programmes in all engineering departments.

For M.Tech. Programmes: Bachelor’s Degree in appropriate branch of engineering A pass in the qualifying examination. Candidates in the final Semester of the qualifying degree programme are eligible to apply. Mark sheets covering up to VII semester B.Tech should be enclosed. Provisional certificates, in such cases, along with the mark sheet for the final semester should be submitted by August 14, 2008. For M.SC. Programmes: Minimum of 60% marks or 6.5 CGPA in the qualifying examination, for General category and mere pass for SC/ST candidates. Candidates in the final semester of the qualifying degree programme are eligible to apply. Mark sheets covering up to V Sem. B.Sc. should be enclosed. Provisional certificates, in such cases, along with the mark sheet for the final semester should be submitted by August 14, 2008 For Ph.D. Programme: Candidates with first class or minimum 60% marks (CGPA 6.5 in a scale of 10) in UG or PG are eligible for admission under General Category. For SC / ST candidates, a pass in UG and PG is sufficient.

Application procedure:
Candidates can down load the application form and details from the website Downloaded and filled up applications should be accompanied by prescribed application cum Registration fee of Rs.200/- (Rs.100/- for SC/ST/Persons with Disabilities) by means of Demand Draft drawn not earlier than 25th April 2008 and in favour of “DIRECTOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TIRUCHIRAPPALLI – 620015” payable at State Bank of India, NIT Branch (Code 1617) Tiruchirappalli. The candidates are requested to write their name and the Department to which they are applying on the reverse side of the draft. The application forms, with necessary enclosures, should reach the Dean (Academic), National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli-620 015 by May 23, 2008.

Email :

Further details can be taken from:

Tiruchirapalli , Pin - 620015

Last date of submission of Forms:
May 23, 2008

Date of Entrance Test :
written test / interview (M.Sc, MS, Ph.D) : June 13, 2008


National Institute of Health and Family Welfare

National Institute of Health and Family Welfare
Date of Issue: Thursday, May 01, 2008
Courses offered:
Admission Notice for One Year Post-Graduate Certificate Courses through Distance Learning for the Session 2008-2009 in (I) Health and Family Welfare Management (II) Hospital Management

Qualifications : (Common For Both :) (i) MBBS / BDS / B.Sc. (Nursing) Degree / BAMS or Equivalent appropriate degree of Unani, Siddha, Yoga and Homeopathy and (ii) Registration with respective State / National Council Experience:- For (I) (H&FWM) - Candidates should have at least two years experience of working in a Govt./ NGO / Private / Corporate Hospital / Institute/ Organization. For (II) (HM) - At least two years of working experience in respect of MBBS candidates and five years for other candidates i.e. AYUSH, Dental and Nursing, of working in a Govt. / NGO / Private / Corporate Hospital / Institute / Organisation. Preference will be given to those who are holding Administrative Posts.

Application procedure:
Prospectus for each course may be obtained against Crossed Indian Postal Order or a Bank Draft for Rs.100/- payable to the Director, NIHFW, New Delhi from Distance Learning Cell (DLC), Room No.417, Academic Block in person or by post. The prospectus will be available from 1st May, 2008. The name of the course may kindly be indicated clearly in the request for prospectus. The prospectus and application form can also be down loaded from the Website of the Institute. In such cases application form should be accompanied by a Demand Draft for Rs.7600/- (Rs. 7500/- Course Fee and Rs.100/- being cost of prospectus). The details of the courses are given in the respective prospectuses.

Email :

Further details can be taken from:
Tel: +91-11-26188485, +91-11-26107773 Fax: 91-11-26101623 Web Site:

New Mehraull Road, Munirka, New Delhi-67

Last date of submission of Forms:
16th June, 2008

Last date of Issue of application form :
By Post: 6th June, 2008 ; ; In Person: 16th June, 2008


Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies

Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies
Date of Issue: Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Courses offered:
Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management – 2008 – 2 Year Family Business Programme

Candidates with a bachelors degree from a recognized university

Application procedure:
Prospectus & Application forms can be obtained from NMIMS Mumbai on payment of Rs.1500/- (non-refundable) in cash. From NMIMS by Courier: Enclosing a DD of Rs.1600/- (non-refundable, inclusive of courier charges) favouring SVKM’s NMIMS, payable at Mumbai with self-addressed cloth envelope of size 10” X 13”

Email :

Further details can be taken from:
Tel.: +91 - 22 - 2613 4577 / 2618 3688 Website:

V L Mehta Road, Vile Parle (W) Bombay 400056

Last date of submission of Forms:


Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology

Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology
Date of Issue: Thursday, May 01, 2008
Courses offered:
POST GRADUATE ADMISSION: 2008-2009 Applications are invited for admission to the following M.Tech./MUDP Courses: • Power Systems • Hydro Power Engineering • Thermal Engineering • Engineering Materials • Geotechnical Engineering • Stress & Vibration Analysis • Digital Communication Engg. • Energy • Urban Development Planning (MUDP) • Maintenance Engineering and Management • Environmental Engineering • Information Security • VLSI & Embedded System Design • Electrical Drives • Remote Sensing & Geoinformatics • Structure • Bio-informatics • Nano Technology • Industrial Design • CSE • Transportation Engg.

For M.Tech. / MUDP Admission: Candidates possessing appropriate degree with a minimum 60% (6.0 in credit and grade system) marks in final Year of their qualifying degree & 55% (5.5 in credit and grade system) for SC/ST category candidates. Gate qualified candidates admitted in above mentioned M.Tech full time courses will be given stipend as per GOI norms. The admission to all M.Tech. programmes will be on the basis of merit list giving 60 % weightage to GATE score and 40% weightage to institute test. Candidates appearing for Final Year Examination may also apply but they should submit their result at the time of admission.

Application procedure:
The application forms completed in all respects should be submitted up to 30th May 2008 with a crossed IPO/Bank Draft of Rs. 400/- payable to “MANIT, Bhopal” for general candidates (Rs. 200/- for SC/ST candidates) to Asstt. Registrar (Admission) MANIT, Bhopal – 462051. If a candidate is applying for more than one course, separate applications along with IPO/Demand Drafts should be submitted for each course. Applications received after due date are likely to be rejected. The application form/syllabus can be down loaded from MANIT website and can also be collected from admission section, MANIT, by paying Rs. 50/- through IPO/Bank Draft payable to MANIT, Bhopal or by post sending a self addressed A4 size envelope with IPO/Bank Draft of Rs. 50/-

Email :

Further details can be taken from:
Tel: +91 755 5206006, 07, 08, 09 Fax: +91-755 2670562, 2670802 Website:

Bhopal - 462007 (M. P.)

Last date of submission of Forms:
30th May 2008


Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Narayan National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science

Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Narayan National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science
Date of Issue: Sunday, April 27, 2008
Courses offered:
Admission to the 5th batch of Master’s Degree Programme in the subjects of Criminology and Forensic Science for the academic session 2008 - 09: M.A/M.Sc. Criminology - 2 Years M.Sc. Forensic Science - 2 Years

For M.A/M.Sc. Criminology: A Bachelor's Degree of minimum 3 years duration in Arts or Science with at least 50% marks in aggregate from any recognized University. The candidates should have opted at least two of the following subjects at the graduation level and should have pursued these subjects for at least two full academic years (at least 4 semesters): Political Science, Economics, Geography, History Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Sociology, Social Work, Psychology, Social Anthropology, Police Administration, Public Administration, Correctional Administration, Forensic Science, Criminology. For M.Sc. Forensic Science: B.Sc. from any recognized University with at least 50% marks in aggregate in one of the Following: (1) Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, or (2) Botany, Zoology, Chemistry.(3) B.Sc. (Honours)/(General) Forensic Science Candidates appearing in the final year qualifying examination are also permitted to appear provisionally but they have to produce proof of eligibility at the time of depositing fees.

Application procedure:
Information Bulletin containing Application Forms for admission to the 5th Batch (Academic Session 2008-09) will be available in person at the Institute from 21st April to 23rd May 2008 against a crossed Bank Draft of Rs. 200/- in favour of AO, NICFS payable at Delhi. One can also obtain Information Bulletin containing Application Form by registered post. For this purpose the request should be made to this Institute with NON-REFUNDABLE Crossed Demand Draft for Rs. 250/-in favour of 'AO, NICFS', payable at Delhi. The name and postal address of the applicant should clearly be recorded at the back of the Demand Draft. The Institute will dispatch the information bulletin immediately on receipt of the request. The Institute will not be responsible for delay, loss or damage, if any, during the transit of Information Bulletin.

Email :

Further details can be taken from:
Phone No: 011 - 27521091, 27522564, 27514161 Fax: 011 – 27511571 Website:

Outer Ring Road, Rohini ,Sec-III, Delhi -110085,

Last date of submission of Forms:
23rd May, 2008 till 5.00 p.m.

Date of Entrance Test :
21st June, 2008 (Saturday)


Institute of Petroleum Technology

Institute of Petroleum Technology
Date of Issue: Thursday, March 13, 2008
Courses offered:
4 Year B.Tech / 5 Year Dual Degree M.Tech Programme in Petroleum Engineering - 2008

• Should have passed 10 + 2 years of schooling with Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry by June 2008. • Should appear in the AIEEE 2008 examination to be conducted by CBSE on 27th April, 2008. • Should submit Application form along with photocopy of Admit card of AIEEE 2008 to IPTG.

Application procedure:
A candidate has to apply in the prescribed IPTG application form. The application form will be available on the payment of Rs.900/- from the selected branches of Axis bank. For details of the branches of Axis Bank where the application form will be available, please visit

Email :

Further details can be taken from:
Phone No.: 079-23275021 Fax No.: 079-23275030 Website:

Ground Floor, GSPC Bhavan, Sector- 11, Gandhinagar- 382 011 Gujarat, India.

Last date of submission of Forms:
7th May, 2008

Last date of Issue of application form :
5th May, 2008


Institute of Management Technology (IMT)

Institute of Management Technology (IMT)
Date of Issue: Sunday, April 20, 2008
Courses offered:
The institute offers Full-Time / Part-Time Ph.D. Programmes in the following areas for the academic year 2008 • Finance • Environmental studies • Information Technology • International Business • Marketing • Operations Management • Organisation Behavior / HRM • Strategic Management • Supply Chain Management

• A regular full time Master's degree from a recognized Indian University / Institute with a minimum of 60% marks in aggregate. • A regular full time Bachelor's degree in engineering / technology / any other professional discipline, with either 75% or more marks in aggregate and a minimum experience of three years after graduation, OR 60% or more marks in aggregate and a minimum experience of fifteen years after graduation. Applicants who are in employment in an organization either in India or abroad will be eligible for admission as part-time Research Scholars provided: they fulfill qualifications and/or experience, as mentioned above; the applicant proves to the satisfaction of committee that his employment duties will permit him to devote sufficient time for research and prescribed course if any; the application for admission is endorsed by the Head of applicant’s employing organization; and if the applicant is serving in any organization located in a country other than India then such a Research Student/Candidate shall further satisfy the committee that his stay outside the country shall not debar him/her in having warranted guidance for his/her research work from the Supervisor(s).

Application procedure:
Apply in the prescribed application form available at IMT Admission Office, against a fee to be tendered by way of DD / Cash Payment of Rs.1000/-. DD should be made in favour of “ Institute of Management Technology", payable at Ghaziabad or Delhi. Application form can also be downloaded from the website

Email :

Further details can be taken from:
Phone: +91 0120 3002200 Fax: +91 0120 3002300 Website:

P. B. 137, Imt Raj Hapur Nagar, Gaziaziabad-201001

Last date of submission of Forms:
25th May, 2008


Institute of Financial Management and Research

Institute of Financial Management & Research
Date of Issue: Thursday, April 24, 2008
Courses offered:
Two-Year Full-Time Postgraduate Diploma In Management (PGDM) Post Graduate Diploma In Management-Financial Engineering (PGDM - FE ) Post Graduate Diploma In Management - Development And Sustainable Finance (PGDM – DSF)

For PGDM – FE: Graduation in Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics and Physics with consistent First Class. For PGDM – DSF: Graduation in any discipline with consistent First Class

Application procedure:
Application kits can be obtained from IFMR on payment of Rs. 1200.00 by cash or DD favouring Institute For Financial Management & Research and payable at Chennai. Cheques will not be accepted The application form can also be downloaded from our website In case of downloaded applications, they should be accompanied by payment of Rs. 1200.00 by cash or DD favouring Institute For Financial Management & Research and payable at Chennai.

Email :

Further details can be taken from:
Phone: +91 44 28303400 Fax: +91 44 28279208 Website:

No. 30, Khotari salai, Chennai-600034


Indian Institute of Technology

Indian Institute of Technology
Date of Issue: Monday, March 10, 2008
Courses offered:
Admission to M.Tech, M.Des and Ph.D Programmes to start from July 2008 Ph.D.: Computer Science & Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering, Design, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Humanities & Social Sciences, Energy, Environment, Nanotechnology M.Tech./ M.Des Computer Science & Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Design (MDes programme)

For PhD: Science: a) Master’s degree in Science with a minimum Cumulative Performance Index (CPI) of 6.5 or 60% of marks and a valid GATE score/NET certificate. OR b) Master’s degree in Engineering/Technology/ Design with a minimum CPI of 6.5 or 60% of marks. OR c) Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/Technology/ Design from any Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) with a minimum CPI of 7.0. OR d) Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/Technology/ Design from any institute (other than IITs) with a minimum CPI of 7.5 or 70% of marks and a valid GATE/CEED score. For PhD: Engineering: General qualifications: a) Master’s degree in Engineering/Technology/ Medical Sciences in an appropriate area with a minimum CPI of 6.5 or 60% of marks. OR b) Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/ Technology/ Medical Sciences in an appropriate area with a minimum CPI of 7.5 or 70% of marks and a valid GATE score/CEED score/ qualified in All India Entrance Test conducted by ICMR/AIIMS for postgraduate admission or its equivalent. OR c) Bachelor’s degree in an appropriate branch from any Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) with a minimum CPI of 7.0. For PhD: Design: a) MDes or equivalent Master’s degree in a Design related area such as Architecture, Engineering (Product Design Engineering/Industrial Design Engineering), Ergonomics, with a minimum CPI of 6.5 or 60% of marks. OR b) Master’s degree in a Design related area such as Physiology/ Psychology/ Applied Arts/Fine Arts (Digital/Computer graphics) with a minimum CPI of 6.5 or 60% of marks and a valid GATE score/CEED score/NET certificate or a certificate of an equivalent test conducted by ICMR. OR c) BDes/BArch/BTech (Comp. Sc.& Eng./Mechanical Eng.) from any of the IITs with a minimum CPI of 7.0 OR d) Bachelor’s degree in Design, or Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/ Technology in a Design related area, with a minimum CPI of 7.5 or 70% of marks with valid GATE/CEED score. OR e) NID Post-Graduate Diploma Program in Design (PGDPD) with a basic first class engineering/BFA degree. OR f) BFA (4-year professional programme, after 10+2)/GD Art (5-year programme after 10th standard) with one year’s professional experience, with a minimum CPI of 7.5 or 70% of marks and a valid CEED score. For PhD: Humanities & Social Sciences: a) Master’s Degree in Arts/Commerce/Science with a minimum of 55% marks or equivalent grade and a valid GATE score/NET certificate. OR b) Master’s degree in Engineering/ Technology/ Design with a minimum CPI of 6.5 or 60% of marks. OR c) Bachelor’s degree from any of the IITs with a minimum CPI of 7.0. OR d) Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/ Technology/ Design from any institute (other than IITs) with a minimum CPI of 7.5 or 70% of marks and a valid GATE score/CEED score. For M.Tech: A valid GATE score in an appropriate discipline and a minimum CPI of 6.5 or 60% of marks in the qualifying degree (GATE is not required for candidates having BTech/BDes degree from an IIT with a minimum CPI of 7.0) fulfilling the following specific requirements

Application procedure:
Application forms with details can be downloaded from institute’s website Application forms and Information Brochures can also be obtained from the Deputy Registrar (Academic), Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati - 781 039, Assam, personally or by ordinary Post. To receive application forms by post, send a request along with a self-addressed unstamped envelope (24cm x 15cm size). Request for form must be sent in an envelope super-scribed with ‘Request for PhD/MTech/MDes Application form’. For example, a candidate interested in applying for MTech programme, should super-scribe on his/her envelope as ‘Request for MTech Application form’. Filled in application forms complete with copies of mark sheets/certificates and other testimonials and a DD for Rs.150/- (Rs.75/- for SC/ST candidates) drawn in any nationalized bank and payable at Guwahati in favour of Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati should be sent to the Head of the concerned Department/Centre, IIT Guwahati, Guwahati – 781039, to reach on or before 15th APRIL 2008. The words “Application for MTech/MDes/PhD admission” should be written on the top of the envelope for sending the completed form.

Email :

Further details can be taken from:

Guwahati – 781039, India

Last date of submission of Forms:
15 April 2008

Last date of Issue of application form :
By Ordinary Post – 7 April 2008, In Person – 11 April 2008


Indian Institute Of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing

Indian Institute Of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing
Date of Issue: Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Courses offered:
Admission in MTech & PhD Programme July 2008 The Institute invites applications for admission to its Masters (MTech, MDes) and Doctoral (PhD) programmes for the session commencing from July 2008.

A) MTech: i) Computer Science & Engineering(CSE): B Tech/ BE in any engineering discipline OR M Sc in Mathematics, Statistics or a similar discipline OR MCA with (a) minimum marks/CPI in Qualifying Degree and (b) valid GATE score in Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology/ Mathematics/ Engineering Sciences (compulsorily with Sections Computational Science and Electrical Science). ii) Electronics & Communication Engineering(ECE): B Tech/ BE in Electronics/ Electronics and Communication Engineering/ Electrical Engineering/ Electrical and Electronics Engineering/ Instrumentation Engineering or a similar discipline OR M Sc in Electronics/ Electronics Science/ Physics/ Mathematics or a similar discipline with (a) minimum marks/CPI in Qualifying Degree and (b) valid GATE score in Electronics and Communication Engineering/ Electrical Engineering/Instrumentation Engineering / Physics. iii) Mechanical Engineering(ME): B Tech/ BE in Mechanical Engineering/ Aeronautical Engineering/ Automobile Engineering/ Production Engineering/ Industrial Engineering/ Production and Industrial Engineering/ Metallurgical Engineering/ Manufacturing Science and Engineering/ Energy Engineering or a similar discipline with (a) minimum marks/CPI in Qualifying Degree and (b) valid GATE score in Mechanical Engineering / Production and Industrial Engineering/ Metallurgical Engineering/Engineering Sciences (compulsorily with any two of the sections Fluid Mechanics, Materials Science, Solid Mechanics or Thermodynamics). B) M.Des: B.Tech/B.E./B.Arch./B.Des./BFA/M.Sc./M.A./MCA with (a) minimum marks/CPI in Qualifying Degree and (b) valid score in CEED examination Minimum marks/CPI in Qualifying Degree: 55% marks / 5.5 CPI (on a 10-point scale) as long as it is at least seven percent higher than the minimum pass marks /CPI for General Category applicants and minimum passing marks for SC/ST applicants. GATE /CEED score requirement is waived for sponsored candidates. C) PhD: i) Computer Science & Engineering(CSE): M Tech/ ME in Computer Science & Engineering or Information Technology or a similar discipline with minimum marks/ CPI in Qualifying Degree. ii) Electronics & Communication Engineering(ECE): M Tech/ ME in Electronics/ Electronics & Communication Engineering/ Electrical Engineering or a similar discipline with minimum marks/ CPI in Qualifying Degree. Mechanical Engineering(ME): M Tech/ ME in Mechanical Engineering/ Production Engineering /Industrial Engineering/Production and Industrial Engineering or a similar discipline with minimum marks/ CPI in Qualifying Degree. Minimum % of marks in Qualifying Degree: 55% marks or CPI of 5.5 (on a 10-point scale) for General Category applicants and Pass Percentage marks for SC/ST applicants.

Application procedure:
Application forms and detailed information can be downloaded from Institute website or can be obtained free of charge, from the Convener (PGCS), PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur, C/o IT Bhawan, JEC Campus, Gokalpur, Jabalpur 482 011 personally or by sending the request for the same along with a self-addressed and stamped (Rs.30) cloth-lined envelope of 23 cm × 17 cm with a clear identification for the programme you are applying for. Application Forms are available from April 12, 2008. Filled up Application Forms along with a Demand Draft of Rs. 200/- for Gen & Rs.100/- for SC/ST category in favour of The Registrar, PDPM-IIITDM Jabalpur, Payable at SBI Branch Jabalpur must be received latest by May 07, 2008.

Email :

Further details can be taken from:
TEL: 0761 2632273 FAX: 0761 2632524 Website:

IT Bhavan , GEC Campus, Gokalpur, Jabalpur-482011

Last date of submission of Forms:
May 07, 2008.

Date of Entrance Test :
Written test/interview : 1. MTech/MDes: 04-06-2008 and 05-06-2008 ; ; 2. PhD: 06-06-2008

Labels: ,

Indian Institute of Crafts and Design

Indian Institute of Crafts and Design
Date of Issue: Sunday, March 16, 2008
Courses offered:
Academic Year - 2008-09 a) 4 Years Under Graduate Diploma Program Soft Material Applications Hard Material Applications b) 5 years Postgraduate Diploma Program Furniture design & interior products Home Textiles (Floor coverings & furnishing)

a) For Under Graduate Course: Clearance in 12th Board by 30 June, 2008 b) For Postgraduate Course: Candidate should have degree in any discipline from a recognized university Degree/Diploma in Fine Arts, Design, Architecture, Clothing & Textiles Artisans' children having 5 years experience

Application procedure:
The Application Form with the Prospectus is available on payment of Rs.750/- either in cash or through DD In favour of Indian Institute of Crafts and Design, payable at Jaipur. The form can also be downloaded from the IICD website and submitted along with prescribed application fees.

Email :

Further details can be taken from:
Ph: +91-141-2701203, 2701504, 2700156, Fax: +91-141-2700160 Website:

J-8, Jhalana Institutional Area, Jaipur-302017

Last date of submission of Forms:
18 April, 2008

Last date of Issue of application form :
18 April, 2008

Date of Entrance Test :
Aptitude Tests: 16 & 17 May, 2008


Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information & Communication Technology

Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information & Communication Technology
Date of Issue: Saturday, March 15, 2008
Courses offered:
B.Tech (Information and Communication Technology) Post Graduate Programmes: 1. M.Tech (Information and Communication Technology) 2. M.Sc (Information Technology) 3. M.Sc (ICT in Agriculture and Rural Development 4. M.Des (Multimedia) 5. Doctor of Philosophy

For B.Tech.: Candidates should • be a pass in the 10+2 or its equivalent with Mathematics. Physics and Chemistry/Computer Science. All candidates will be required to produce the proof of having passed the qualifying examination to the Institute latest by 30 October 2008. • be born on or after 01 October, 1 983. • appear in AIEEE 2008 examination being conducted by CBSE on 27 April, 2008. • submit separate application to DA-IICT in the prescribed Application Form For PG Programmes: 1. B.E/B.Tech/ M.Sc in; ICT/ CS/IT/EE/ECE/I&C or equivalent 2.Graduates of any discipline as given in the website 3. Bachelor decree in Agriculture and allied disciplines 4. 4 Years Degree / Diploma after 10+2 5. M.Tech/MPhil/BE/B.Tech/ MSc/MCA/MS or equivalent

Application procedure:
For B.Tech: A candidate will have to apply in the prescribed DA-IICT Application Form. The Application Form will be made available through the following channels: • At the select Branches of Axis Bank (formerly UTI Bank), by paying Rs. 800/- • sending a demand draft of Rs. 850/- to the Institute. • Apply on-line at by making an on-line payment (through credit card ) of Rs 800/-. For PG Programmes: • All application to the PG programs to be made online. • The application fee is Rs. 800/- (online) and Rs. 1000/-in case candidates download the form and send the hard-copy. In both cases the draft needs to be sent by post. • The Entrance Test for the Admission to the Masters level PG programs will be conducted at select cities.

Email :

Further details can be taken from:
Tel: (+91) 079-3051-0586/0550/0591 Website:

DA-IICT, Near Indroda Circle, Gandhinagar - 382 007, Gujarat

Last date of submission of Forms:
25th April, 2008

Last date of Issue of application form :
21st April, 2008

Date of Entrance Test :
Entrance Test for M.Tech. (ICT), M.Sc. (IT) and M.Sc. (ICT-ARD): 25th May, 2008

Delhi Institute of Tool Engineering

Delhi Institute of Tool Engineering
Date of Issue: Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Courses offered:
One Year Condensed Course in Tool & Die Making - 2008

Matriculation with Math & Science

Application procedure:
The prescribed application form & Prospectus can be obtained from the institute between 9.00 am to 3.00 pm on payment of Rs.200/- (non-refundable) as application & examination fee in person or by sending DD in favour of DITE, Delhi.

Email :

Further details can be taken from:
Tel: 011 – 2737 2618/ 2615/ 2745

Wazirpur Industrial Area, Delhi – 110 052

Last date of submission of Forms:

Date of Entrance Test :
Test / Interview: 27.05.2008


Ch.Charan Singh University

Ch.Charan Singh University
Date of Issue: Saturday, April 19, 2008
Courses offered:
Admission for 5 years integrated Programme for the following courses: 1. Int. M.Tech. Biotechnology 2. Int. M.Tech. in Electronics & Comm. 3. MBA – Engg & Technology Management in: a) Civil Construction & Infrastructure b) Computer Science c) Information Technology d) MBA in Corporate Accounting

For Int. M.Tech. Biotechnology: 10+2 with PCM/PCB with 50% For Int. M.Tech. in Electronics & Comm: 10+2 with PCM with 50% For Sl. No. 3. a) to c): 10+2 with PCM with 50% For Sl. No. d: 10+2 with Commerce (Maths with 50%) ; (Non Maths with 60%) SC/ST candidates are eligible with 45%

Application procedure:
Information brochure along form is available from the following branches of Allahabad Bank:- University branch, Meerut, Parliament street New Delhi, Navyug Market Ghaziabad, Hostel Liberty Saharanpur, Civil Lines Bareilly, Hazrat Ganj Lucknow, Civil Lines Allahabad, Clock Tower Dehradun, Chilli-in Agra and Nandeshwar, Varanasi, on payment of Rs. 600/- by cash or also obtain from IAMR, 9th Mile Stone, Delhi Meerut Road, Duhai, Ghaziabad along with DD of Rs. 600/- in favour Finance Controller, CCSU, Meerut for General/OBC candidates and Rs. 400/- for SC/ST candidates. Application form should be sent to Registrar CCS University, Meerut through registered/speed post only.

Email :

Further details can be taken from:

Ch.Charan Singh University, Meerut - 250005 (Uttar Pradesh)

Last date of submission of Forms:
20th May 2008

Date of Entrance Test :
15th June 2008

Exam Centre :
Delhi, Meerut, Dehradun, Agra, Allahabad, Noida
