Thursday, 24 January 2008

National Institute of Science Education and Research

24/National Institute of Science Education and Research
Courses offered:
National Entrance Screening Test 2008 (NEST-2008) Compulsory entrance screening test for admission to Five Year Integrated M.Sc. programme at 1. National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER) Bhubaneswar And 2. University of Mumbai – Department of Atomic Energy Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences (UM-DAE CBS) Mumbai
(i) Qualification : 60% marks for general category and 55% for SC/ST/PD category in aggregate (or equivalent grade) in Class XII (or equivalent) examination, from any recognized Board in India. Students who have passed the qualifying examination in 2007 or are appearing in 2008 are eligible to apply. Where only Letter grade is available, a certificate from the Board specifying equivalent percentage marks will be required. In the absence of such a certificate the decision of the NISER Admission Committee will be final. (ii) Age Limit : Candidates born on or after 01 Oct. 1983 are eligible to apply; this limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST/PD candidates.
Application procedure:
Application Form (A) and Admit Card (B) together with information brochure can be downloaded from the website: Alternatively, they can be obtained FREE by sending a self-addressed envelope of size 30cm x 24cm to The Chief Coordinator - NEST-2008, Annabhau Sathe Bhavan, University of Mumbai (Kalina campus), Vidyanagari, Santacruz (E), Mumbai-400 098. There is a single application fee (even if you are applying to admission to both NISER, Bhubaneswar and UM-DAE CBS, Mumbai) of Rs.500/- (all general category male candidates) and Rs. 250/- (SC/ST/PD and ALL female candidates), to be sent as Demand Draft in favour of "CBS-NEST", payable at Mumbai. Admit Card for NEST 2008: In addition to filling up Application Form (A), the candidate must fill up Admit Card (B), paste his/her recent photograph on it and write clearly his/her full mailing address in capital letters including the pin code. It is the candidate’s responsibility to carefully check the address he/she has written on Admit Card (B). After receiving Application Form (A) and Admit Card (B) together with the required application fee from eligible candidates, the Chief Coordinator will allot a suitable examination centre, sign on the Admit Card (B) and mail it back to the candidate’s mailing address. NEST office will not be responsible if the Admit Card (B) does not reach the candidate in time due to postal delay and/or incorrect/illegible address or the candidate’s unavailability at the said address. Eligible candidates who do not receive their Admit Card by March 31, 2008 may send a letter to the Chief Coordinator by post at the address already given in the brochure or send an email at Telephone enquiries in this connection will not be entertained.
Email :
Further details can be taken from:
Phone: +91-674-2301058 Fax: +91-674-2300142 Website:
Institute of Physics, Sachivalaya Marg, Bhubaneswar - 751 005, Orissa, India
Last date of submission of Forms:
February 9, 2008.
Last date of Issue of application form :
January 25, 2008
Date of Entrance Test :
National Entrance Screening Test 2008 (NEST-2008): SUNDAY, APRIL 20, 2008; (1.00 pm to 4.00 pm) At Ahmedabad, Allahabad, Bangalore, Bhubaneswar, Bhopal, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Dehradun, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Jammu, Kochi, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Nagpur, Patna, Panaji, Raipur, Ranchi, Shillong, Shimla, Srinagar.
Pattern of Question Paper :
The question paper will comprise five sections: (1) General (compulsory), (2) Mathematics, (3) Physics, (4) Chemistry and (5) Biology. Of sections (2-5), which will carry equal weightage of marks (30% each), any three will have to be selected. The General section will carry 10% of weightage. All questions will be of objective type, which are to be answered on a specially designed machine gradable sheet using HB pencils only. Questions will aim to test the comprehension and analytical ability of the candidates. Incorrect answers may be awarded negative marks. No student will be allowed to retain the question paper. Every student must return the question paper together with the answer sheet to the invigilator before leaving the examination hall.


Amrita Vishwavidyapeetham

Amrita Vishwavidyapeetham

Courses offered:
B.Tech Programmes offered at: (2008) Amritapuri: Computer Science & Engg., Electrical & Electronics Engg., Electronics & Communication Engg., Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering. Bangalore: Computer Science & Engg., Electrical & Electronics Engg., Electronics & Communication Engg., Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Instrumentation Engg. Coimbatore: Computer Science & Engg., Electrical & Electronics Engg., Electronics & Communication Engg., Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Instrumentation Engg., Aerospace Engg., Chemical Engg., Civil Engg. (Proposed)
A pass in 12th standard or equivalent from CBSE or any State Education Board, or equivalent with a minimum of 60% marks each in Maths, Physic and Chemistry. Age: Should not exceed 21 years as on 1st July, 2008
Application procedure:
Application form can be obtained in the following manner: In Person: Collect from any of the University counters of Amrita School of Engineering at Amritapuri, Bangalore and Coimbatore. Application form can also be obtained form the branches of Dhanalakshmi Bank Ltd. Or from post offices on payment of Rs.850/- By Post: Write to any of the Admission Co-ordinators with a DEMAND DRAFT OF Rs.850/- favouring “Amrita School of Engineering”, payable at Coimbatore.
Email :
Amrita School of Engineering Amritapuri, Clappana P.O., Kollam - 690 525, Kerala
Last date of submission of Forms:
Date of Entrance Test :
Entrance Examination: 20.04.2008




Courses offered:
Sdmissions into B.Tech., BEM, BCA and integrated five year M.Sc. Degree Programmes - 2008:- Programme Offered: i) B.Tech. – 4 Years 1. Biotechnology 2. Civil Engineering 3. Computer Science & Engineering 4. Electrical & Electronics Engineering 5. Electronics & Communication 6. Electronics & Instrumentation Engg. 7. Information Technology 8. Mechanical Engineering 9. Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing and Engineering Management) ii) BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications) – 3 Years iii) BEM (Bachelor of Environmental Management) – 3 Years iv) Integrated M.Sc. Degree programmes – 5 Years in the following disciplines: 1. Applied Mathematics , 2. Biochemistry , 3. Biotechnology , 4. Chemistry 5. Physics, 6. Microbiology

For admission into all the above programmes, the candidates should have passed 10+2/12th examination from a recognized Central / State Board or its equivalent either in 2008 or 2007 subject to securing the following percentage of marks in specified subjects. i) B.Tech. Programmes (other than Biotechnology) : A minimum of 60% marks in aggregate in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. ii) B.Tech. in Biotechnology: A minimum of 60% marks in aggregate in Mathematics or Biology, Physics and Chemistry. iii) BCA : A minimum of 50% marks in aggregate in Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry. iv) BEM and 5 year integrated M.Sc. Programmes: A minimum of 50% marks in aggregate in Mathematics or Biology, Physics and Chemistry. Students who are appearing for 10+2/12th examination in 2008 or who have passed 10+2/12th Examination in 2007 only are eligible to appear in the GAT-2008. Students who have passed 10+2/12th examination in 2006 or earlier are NOT eligible to appear in GAT-2008.

Application procedure:
Interested candidates should register their names for GAT–2008 by applying in the prescribed application form which can be obtained in one of the following modes : i) Download the application form online at http:/ and take the print out. The filled in application form along with prescribed fees of Rs.1000/- (Rupees One thousand only) in case of male candidates and Rs.600/- (Rupees Six hundred only) in case of female candidates by way of Demand Draft payable at Visakhapatnam from any scheduled bank should be sent to Director–Admissions, GITAM UNIVERSITY, Visakhapatnam-530 045 or ii) Obtain the application form from any one of the selected branches of Union Bank of India throughout India or (ii) Obtain the application form by post from the Director, Admissions GITAM UNIVERSITY, Visakhapatnam by sending a request on plain paper giving the candidate’s name and mailing address, accompanied by a crossed demand draft for Rs.1,100/- (Rupees One thousand one hundred only) in case of male candidates and Rs. 700/- (Rupees Seven hundred only) in case of female candidates. The application form will be sent by Speed Post / Registered Post. Requests by post will be accepted only till 5th March, 2008. Demand Drafts should be drawn in favour of GITAM UNIVERSITY, payable at Visakhapatnam on any scheduled bank.

Email :
Further details can be taken from:
Phone :(+91-891) 2790101, 2790202,2790404,2790505 Fax : (+91-891) 2790399, 2790037, 2790036 Website:

Gandhinagar Campus, Rushikonda, Visakhapatnam-530 045
Last date of submission of Forms:
Date of Entrance Test :
GAT–2008 Online Test: 15.04.2008 to 14.05.2008 at Bangalore, Mumbai, Bhubaneswar, Nagpur, Chennai, Rajahmundry, Delhi, Tirupathi, Guntur, Vijayawada, Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam, Kolkata
Test Pattern :

GAT–2008 will be of total 2 hour duration (without break). The test consists of three parts: Part I : Mathematics / Biology Part II : Physics Part III : Chemistry All questions are of objective type (multiple choice questions), each question with choice of four answers, only one being correct choice. Each correct answer fetches 3 marks, while each incorrect answer has a penalty of 1 mark. No marks are awarded for not attempted questions


National Power Training Institute (NPTI)

National Power Training Institute (NPTI)

Courses offered:
Post Graduate Certificate Course in Hydro Power Plant Engineering – 40 weeks

Degree in Mech./Elect. Engineering or equivalent from a recognized Engineering College/University with minimum of 60% marks. Age Limit: Maximum 27 years as on 15.02.08. No age limit for sponsored candidates

Application procedure:
Application on plain paper along with the Demand Draft of Rs. 500/- in favour of NPTI payable at Badarpur, New Delhi should reach the Principal Director, National Power Training Institute (NR), Badarpur, New Delhi-110 044 with two passport size photographs in the following form: 1 Name 2. Father’s Name 3. Date of birth & age as on 15.02.08 4. Sex 5. Marital Status 6. Nationality 7. Whether SC/ST/PH 8. Postal Address with contact No. 9. Educational Qualifications starting from 10th Standard stating subjects, College/Institution, % of marks, year of passing 10. Experience 11. Sponsored/Non-sponsored (if sponsored attach certificate from employer) 12. Signature . Attach attested copies of proof of Item 3,7 9 & 10. FEE: For non sponsored candidates : Rs.75000/- ( in two equal installments) For candidates sponsored from SEBs/ PSUs/ Private Utilities Rs.90,000/- lump-sum at the time of admission. There is no fee concession for any category of candidates. Fees for candidate from foreign countries: SAARC Countries : US$5500 Other Countries : US$6500

Email :
Further details can be taken from:

PHONE: 011 - 26976516, 26940722 Website:
Badarpur, New Delhi -110 044
Last date of submission of Forms:


Avinashilingam University for Women

Avinashilingam University for Women
Courses offered: B.E. Programmes – 2008-09

Computer Science & Engineering
Information Technology
Biomedical Instrumentation Engineering
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Food Processing & Preservation Technology
Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Printing Technology
Civil Engineering

Eligibility: A pass in 12th standard or equivalent from CBSE or any other State Education Board and a minimum of 60% marks each in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

Age: Should not exceed 21 years as on July 1st, 2008

Application procedure: Application form and prospectus will be available at the University Office at Coimbatore – 641 043 on payment of Rs.500/- by cash or by post by sending a request to the Registrar along with a DD for Rs.550/- (For SC/ST candidates only Rs.250/- by cash or Rs.300/- by post) payable at Coimbatore in favour of “The Registrar, Avinashilingam University for Women” or can be downloaded from the University’s website.
Email :
Further details can be taken from: Ph: 091(422)2440241, 91(422)2435550.
Fax: 091(422)2438786.

Address: Mettupalayam Road, Coimbatore -641 043.
Last date of submission of Forms: 05.04.2008
Date of Entrance Test : 12.04.2008
